How to Add Thumbnail Images to the “Featured” Section of your LinkedIn Profile (for Web Apps/Sites)

James Higgs
3 min readMay 8, 2020



After recently starting my job hunt as a full-stack/front end developer I realized that I needed to improve my LinkedIn profile. Unfortunately, I ran into the time consuming issue of trying to get thumbnail images to show up for each one of my web apps/sites. I went ahead and made this tutorial in order to help save you the trouble. To my surprise, there doesn’t seem to be much of anything online to help with this specific issue.

Feel free to check out my work. I’m currently looking for new opportunities.


  1. Add the following piece of code to the <head> section of your HTML file and replace the content values with your own.
<meta name="description" content="_" />
<meta name="title" property="og:title" content="_" />
<meta property="og:type" content="_" />
<meta name="image" property="og:image" content="_" />
<meta name="description" property="og:description" content="_" /><meta name="author" content="_" />

2. The image selected for your thumbnail must be live and have its own URL that ends with a valid image format, e.g., jpg, png, etc. For example, you can set up a Flickr account to upload photos and get a valid, sharable URL link.

Flickr — Sharable link

3. After uploading a photo of your site to Flickr, click on the share button and copy the “src” portion of the embed code only, then paste it with the <head> section of your code (see Image from Step 1).

“src” portion of embed to use in your code

4. After implementing this code in your project make sure to push changes to your repo (it may take awhile for the changes to be reflected before you move on to the next steps).

5. Use LinkedIn Post Inspector to evaluate how your link will be presented. Confirm the link works here before uploading it to your LinkedIn profile.

LinkedIn Post Inspector
How your link will end up being presented
How your link will end up being presented

6. Go to your LinkedIn profile and scroll down to the “Featured” section and add (+) a new “link” or click on the edit button at top of your profile and select “Featured” and add (+) a new “link”.

Scroll down to “Featured” section and add (+) a new “link”
Or click on the edit button at top of profile and select “Featured” and add (+) a new “link”

7. Add in the full URL of your app/site and click “Add”.

8. You should now see the thumbnail image. Fill out the info for “Title” and “Description!”. Click “Save”.




James Higgs

I’m a creative. Full-stack web development allows my creativity to flow.