CS 470 Etude #1: “Poets of Sound and Time”

James Zheng
2 min readJan 21, 2024


For this project, I created two pieces combining the aesthetics of poetry and music (with a flavor of AI) to showcase the meaningful, sometimes unexpected emotions that can be stirred up by such an intersection of fields.


Inspired by Christopher Nolan’s recent movie, I sought to invoke a feeling of awe and freedom, while at the same time, a sense of realization and dread. Humanity is capable of so much. However, having high potential does not always mean that there will be a happy outcome. This work dives into curiosity, and how it is a fundamental trait of humans. Whether it leads us to paradise or hell, only time will tell. As humans, we will continue to move forward, embracing the future with unbounded vigor.




The four elements: fire, water, earth, air. These are the building blocks of life and have inspired humans for ages. Each element can be utilized to create or destroy, and are all tightly intertwined with our society today. In this work, you will be able to explore each element and fully immerse yourself in its respective audio and vernacular.



Overall Thoughts

This assignment stretched my brain both technically and creatively. While it took a substantial amount of time, I found myself enjoying the process. I had clear visions of what I wanted the end-products to be, which allowed me to work deliberately and excitedly towards my goals. Unlike many other classes’ assignments, the nature of this etude makes the work very reflective and unique to the individual, allowing everyone to express themselves through a mixture of poetry and music. I feel proud of the work I have done and find these “poems of sound and time” to be something that I want to share with the world. I hope you enjoy experiencing them as much as I did making them!


