Working Together: Beyond Zero Sum Crypto, Towards a Shared Web 3 Stack

Jamie Burke
Diffusion 2019
Published in
6 min readSep 23, 2019


After $23+ billion of investment into ‘blockchain’ since 2013 the outcome still only represents sub 1% of all developer activity on Github and just 3% of comparable Nasdaq tech stock. Maximalism has wrongly taught us crypto is zero sum however the market as it is, is simply not worth fighting over. A tribal and toxic culture hurts our collective reputation in the eyes of the 99% and limits mass adoption and our ability to grow the pie. It’s our mission to break down silos and foster greater collaboration across the ecosystem and is why we’re bringing together hundreds of participants for a hackathon and developer conference called Diffusion Dev Con in Berlin, October this year. Entrepreneurs and developers will join 20+ protocols, their core teams, as well as investors and large enterprise customers from around the world to build, partner and finance Web 3.

450 signups so far (with 3 weeks to go)

23 Protocols and counting

336 attendees: 266 developers & 70 general attendees

38 mentors: 15 VCs & enterprise

Supported by 16 volunteers

SIGNUP NOW (Limited Places Apply)


