LWF.IO — Node Installation Guide — TESTNET

3 min readOct 9, 2017


If you haven’t completed the “Initial Server Setup” guide then please do so before continuing with this guide.

  • After preparing your server, you can now install LWF on your server. To complete this tutorial, you will need:
  • One Ubuntu 16.04 server, including a sudo non-root user and a firewall configured with ssh port 22 (or the random one you created in the Secure node guide), 18101 & 18102 open.
  • A wallet with a second passphrase and 5.1 LWF (ask for testnet-LWF in testers channel)

First Step

First of all you’ll need to login into your server with the username you created when preparing the server:


Install en_US.UTF-8 locales:

sudo locale-gen "en_US.UTF-8"

Now, change to your home directory, clone the LWF repository there and install it:

cd ~
git clone -b testnet https://github.com/lwfcoin/lwf-node.git

Then run the following cmds, one by one.

cd lwf-node
./lwf_manager.bash install

When install is complete, please RELOAD your node:

./lwf_manager.bash reload

To check the status of your lwf-node, it should show the Block height increasing, type:

./lwf_manager.bash status

To restore the blockchain from a recent Snapshot, please type:

./lwf_manager.bash rebuild

Install a recent snapshot to speed up synchronising with the blockchain:

Download a recent, verified snapshot ([y]/n): y 
and press Enter

To check the updated status of your lwf-node, it should show the Block height increasing, type:

./lwf_manager.bash status

LWF is now installed. However, you’ll need to modify the config.json to your own values. Type:

nano config.json

Edit the “forging” part by placing your secret in double quotes inside the brackets [“word1 word2 word3”] with your first passphrase (the 12 words you use to login). It is important that you keep the same format as shown below: (Although Medium splits the 12 word phrase over two lines, it should always remain on one line).

"forging": { 
"force": false,
"secret": ["secret secret secret secret secret secret secret secret secret secret secret secret"],
"access": {
"whitelist": [

After editing the file press Ctrl+x and confirm with y and then Enter.

To apply the changes made in the config.json, make sure to always RELOAD LWF:

./lwf_manager.bash reload

To make sure your node is working,

./lwf_manager.bash status

Note: Registration should not take place on your own node, but on https://twallet.lwf.io/, unless you have setup the wallet and HTTPS properly.

Otherwise your first and second passphrase will be sent un-encrypted over the network, thus making it very easy for anyone to steal your coins!

Login into your twallet.lwfcoin.io, the official wallet.

  1. After logging in, click on “Forging”:
  2. Now click on “Delegate Registration”:
  3. Type in the name of your delegate and send the registration fee. If you have setup a second passphrase, it will ask you for it.
  4. That’s it! Now it’s time to appeal to others to vote for you as a delegate.

Originally published at medium.com on November 11, 2017.

