How to find the Path of Totality

Jamie Carter
2 min readMay 10, 2017


Photo credit: NASA

What is the Path of Totality? And why is it so important?

Don’t get the eclipse wrong.

On Monday, August 21, 2017, the Moon’s shadow will take 90 minutes to race across the USA from coast-to-coast — Oregon to South Carolina — for the first time since 1918, giving a glimpse to anyone standing on or near the center of the Path of Totality

It is mission-critical to put yourself as close as possible to the center of the Path of Totality, directly under the Moon’s shadow. Here’s the 100 Best Places in the USA to Watch the Total Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017, complete with links to Google Maps.

A near-miss is a total miss, and millions of Americans will mess this up, not realise their mistake, and wonder what all the fuss about. They won’t even know what they missed.

However, everyone that does their research and gets their geography bang-on will have a life-changing two-minute glimpse of Totality; the chance to gaze up on the Sun’s mighty white, pulsing Solar Corona.

So here comes some vital information about the Path of Totality:

The eclipse track is roughly 70 miles wide, north to south, stretching across the USA from Oregon to South Carolina.

Stand anywhere within the eclipse track and you will see some Totality.

Stand on the northern or southern boundaries of the eclipse track and you will a second or so of Totality.

The closer you get to the center of the Path of Totality, the more time time you will see Totality.

Stand on or very close to the center of the Path of Totality and you will see the maximum Totality possible, which is about 2 minutes to 2 minutes 42 seconds, depending on where you are in the USA.

So where will you stand?

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Jamie Carter

Travel, tech & astronomy author & editor of @thenexteclipse @jamieacarter