Modeling NHL Win Probabilities

James Benasuli
4 min readApr 20, 2023


Building binary classification models to predict the winning team in an NHL matchup.


The primary purpose of this model is to see if the winner of an NHL game can be predicted with more accuracy than with a naive prediction — choosing the home team to win every time with no other informative input.

In this project several modeling techniques will be trained/tested using team game log data from the prior three full NHL regular seasons (19'-20', 20'-21', 21'-22). Games played to date from the current season (22'-23') will then be used to evaluate the model’s ability to correctly predict the winning team.

Business and Data Understanding

Stakeholders & Business Problem

  • With sports betting becoming increasingly popular and mainstream, data science can be used to make superior decisions over gut intuitions.
  • Moneyline betting (betting who will win with no caveats) is the most common type of sports bet
  • Can bettors gain an edge?
  • This project aims to answer that question by testing the ability to better predict outcomes than naive choices
  • Naive choice for this test is predicting whether the home team will win
  • Goal: Build a model that outputs more accurate probabilities to validate hypothesis and greenlight more in depth testing
  • Applicable stakeholders:
  • Bettors can use this model to improve their odds of success
  • Sportsbooks can benefit by using to ensure their odds lines are optimally set
  • There are a myriad of subscription bet recommendation sites constantly searching for an edge in an increasingly competitive space

Data Understanding

Source and Methodology

  • 2019–2020 season through the current season (2022–2023)
  • Team performance stats at the game level from Natural Stat Trick
  • Official game results scraped from the NHL API
  • Target variable is whether or not the home team one
  • Features include a mix of advanced offensive, defensive and goaltending stats
  • Stats are in game share rate form
  • Highlights team performance relative to opponents for both the home and away sides
  • Stats are transformed by taking the prior ten game rolling average and shifted back one game
  • The shifting is necessary to predict future results, as we will not know game stats until after a game begins/ends
  • 10 games was chosen for the window given the streakiness of NHL play and how much can change over bigger horizons due to injuries, trades, etc
  • Detailed definitions of the different stats used can be found in the data processing notebook


Methodology and Evaluation

  • Optimize for log loss and accuracy
  • Train on the 19–20 season through the first half of this season
  • Evaluate and predict on the second half of this season
  • Use rolling means of features with a window of 10 games
  • Classification modeling
  • Logistic Regression
  • Gradient Boosting Classifier
  • AdaBoost Classifier
  • Neural Network
  • GridsearchCV to identify best model parameters


Naive Choice

  • Establishing a baseline by choosing the home team to win every time
  • Home advantage has always been considered important in sports
  • Picking the home team every time would result in being correct 52.67% of the time

Basic logistic regression

  • I deployed an out of the box logistic regression model to serve as our modeling baseline
  • Scoring:
  • Test accuracy: 0.58
  • Test log loss score: 0.665

Gridsearch results for the 4 types of models tested

Cross Validated Logistic Regression

  • Best performing model
  • Scoring on holdout dataset:
  • Test accuracy: 0.64
  • Test log loss score: 0.653

Conclusions & Next Steps


  • Modeling publicly available data can beat naive choices
  • The percentage of times my prediction correctly had the home team winning was 63.87%
  • Given that my log loss is in line with the industry benchmark and the model’s accuracy outperformed the naive choice by more than 11%, I am encouraged by these results and plan to further improve this research/modeling
  • Future work will not only focus on iteratively improving the models predictive capability
  • To translate this model into real world value, the next phase of work will focus on developing a profitable betting model based on this existing game prediction model

Next Steps

  • Now that the ability to beat the home team naive prediction, I am interested in testing framing this problem from the perspective of the favored team as the plan is to turn this project into a betting model
  • Next I will test layering in info from sportsbooks, to evaluate if framing this from the favorite be beneficial or cause problems such as overfitting
  • The relatively efficient betting market could provide valuable predictive power
  • Or would it be noisy or cause overfitting?
  • Once that test is completed work on improving the current model, modeling a profitable betting strategy, and building an app to display upcoming schedule, odds and recommendations can commence
  • With regards to this model, potential improvements will focus on revisiting feature selection/engineering
  • Testing different team stats and/or try to incorporate individual stats
  • Trying different rolling windows and see how predictions fare at different points in the season

