My year of self-discovery and deep-rooted growth.

Jamie Cabaccang
4 min readJan 3, 2018


As I reflect on this past year, beautiful things have unfolded from the losses. I’ve gained new perspectives. It’s released a new side of who I am and the purpose of my existence. Here are some lowlights and highlights of 2017:

Jamie Cabaccang painting rocks in her cabin on Orcas Island, WA. Sprinkling positive messages on the island #jamierockskindness
  1. I lost my special grandma but I gained her benevolent, wise and positive spirit that will live within me forever.
  2. I learned new things about myself during my first ever solo trips.
  3. I realize that it’s OK to lean on people and ask for help. I have genuinely supportive people in my life, which enables me to finally focus on me. It’s a tough thing to do when you have so much responsibility for many people and things but I am grateful for my loving family, work-family and close friends for supporting me to create this space for ME. It honestly makes me a better mother, wife, daughter, employee, friend… a better person overall.
  4. I realized art is what my soul has been craving. I’ve been creating more art and drawings and I also discovered a way to be creative for a good cause! I was introduced to Soulumination, a beautiful non-profit that provides a loving legacy of keepsake photos for the parents of children lost to terminal illness. I have been an active volunteer since, doing side projects and throwing monthly art parties! It has been soul fulfilling.
  5. Throughout my career, I’ve turned down the opportunity of being a manager 3 times because I didn’t want to be that “bad” manager. And I thought being compassionate and caring was a weakness. This year, I’ve finally realized that being compassionate and caring is a strength and decided THAT is the kind of manager I am going to be and I’m now a manager leading a diverse team of some of the most innovative designers in the industry.
  6. In the beginning of the year, I was diagnosed with a progressive, chronic illness. The harsh medication was just not an option for me, so I turned to holistic healing, homeopathy and most importantly a positive mindset. At the end of the year, I received my blood test results and I’m now officially in remission “based on my lifestyle modifications” which is what both my Medical Doctor and Naturopathic Doctor stated ☺️.
  7. My illness has led me to discover Reiki. The benefits have been so healing and transformational (mind, body and soul) that it inspired me to become a Certified Reiki Master Practitioner and I’m now helping to heal others in their journey. A new-found, unexpected purpose for me!
Jamie Cabaccang, Founder of Pure Reiki Wellness | The Healing Retreat

People ask me how I have energy to do all the things that I do. I am intentional with my time and efforts. The things I now choose to do actually GIVES me energy. I feel so alive when I do things that fulfills my soul.

Jamie Cabaccang’s 2nd Monthly Art Party for nonprofit, Soulumination.

The loss of my grandma and my illness has taught me that life is just too short. Why stress over things you can’t control? You have control of your thoughts and actions.

Enjoy each day we have in this physical world with a grateful heart and with the people and things that bring you joy.

Jamie Cabaccang’s resting art face.

I’m looking forward to continued personal discovery and growth in 2018. My focus is to do more of the things that bring me joy and to let go of the things that no longer serve me. Who’s with me?

Jamie Cabaccang wore a “butterfly” costume for Halloween to symbolize her recent transformations.

To learn more about me, check out or follow me on Instagram.



Jamie Cabaccang

Transforming lives through technology and holistic wellness experiences. Pinterest Design Lead. Founder of Techies + Wellness. Inventor. Artist. Lightworker.