Jamie Fox
3 min readApr 18, 2016

How Organizations Can Improve Their Productivity Through Procurement Training?

Procurement management has a greater strategic importance in multinational corporate sectors in recent years. It will get more significance in the years to come. The section has become an integral part of any corporate sector and it is drawing attention from senior managers as well.

The utilization of advanced technology to make the superior decisions that relate to procurement must be balanced with human rationale. Thus, it is very important that procurement professionals emphasis on the process both before and after the award of a contract and not just on tendering process. Before IT departments go to the market shopping for procurement technology, they should receive the reviews and support from the procurement department in preparing their written requirements.

Over the last few decades, the demand of procurement training has improved a lot. Now most of the companies provide professional procurement training program in Dubai to make their employees knowledgeable and make better productivity, profits and results. A successful procurement technology needs both time and advanced soft skills to get positive results.

When mixing procurement technology with advanced soft skills, it is very important to get the basics right. Given below are some important points that help you to know about the technology:

A General Operating Model:

While it may seem tedious, moving to a form of automation is really worthwhile. This is only because it will provide more cost-effective to run a business process with a common operating model, rather than design your technology around different variables. It is very important to keep regional differences as simple as possible.

Understanding Your Spending Value:

Sometimes, it is rather impossible for a procurement professional or team to successfully operate without absolutely grasping their spending. Every company or organization needs to embrace the technology that can help them understand their spending or expenditure, such that the human element of the procurement team is able to use this make informed decisions.

Procurement Training Program:

In order to keep you company’s employees proficient and updated, it is very important to offer technology training program. It may include certain basics such as not revealing to the supplier what the company’s budget is. Now most of the reputed companies are investing on procurement training to make the employees skilled and knowledgeable on a business process. Investing the procurement training program within a professional way can make your company successful.

Supplier Performance Management Program:

There are many organizations handle their workers performance within this unique process. Thus, it is advantages to do this with your suppliers using procurement technology. It is very important to make a good connection with the suppliers and contractors with the help of this program.

Nevertheless, procurement is the common point of contract for departments in a company. This is a vital respiratory system for corporate knowledge of acquisition of manufacturing goods and services. However, effective procurement training in Abu Dhabi can control a corporate oversight perspective. They can evaluate the total cost of a business process with minimizing the operational support costs. With the help of procurement training now managers can educate their employees on procurement strategy to help drive success.