Community Glue :

Jamie Klinger
3 min readFeb 6, 2015

A Cooperative Living Necessity

A photo essay illustrating the importance of group activities to a well-functioning community.

This is Sprout.

Community Glue is genuine fun.

It is here that you share good times and love one another.

Share in harmonious activity.

Participate in accepting everyone.

Participate in accepting everyone’s contributions.

Creation is love. And love is life. Catch the smile. Move past the strife.

Community Glue is one of three crucial pillars outlined by Diane Leafe Christian in her book, “Creating a Life Together: Practical Tools to Grow Ecovillages and Intentional Communities.”

Genuine acceptance.

The other two pillars are effective project management and effective process & communication skills which we’ll get into another time.

Coming together and sharing in life is what binds us.

Rudolf Steiner said that shared physical activities — when people move the body and vocal chords — bonds people at such deep levels that their connection tends to last.”

Try new things, you may surprise yourself.

It requires a lot of time and energy for a community to thrive.

By sharing what you have, you will have everything you need.

Shared beliefs, shared rituals, shared projects, shared fun & play, service projects, shared communication parties, shared meals are all examples necessary to bond you with your brothers and sisters living in community.

Let your inner light shine through!

Have an open space for running into each other and for communal gatherings. Sing, dance, play music together, tell jokes, have game nights, play sports, be active and open yourself!

Create with purpose. Inspire and be inspired.

Be present, care for others, gift to others, share resources, and perform acts of kindness selflessly!

Having fun means getting dirty sometimes.

Love yourself so that others may love you.


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Me and Sprout

Jamie Klinger — Founder of JoatU, member of Coop Sur Genereux. Community Organizer, Entrepreneur, Writer, Photographer, Marketer, Poker Coach and Rebel with a Cause.



Jamie Klinger

Cryptocurrency Consultant, Alt-Economist, Basic Income activist, JoatU founder, Poker Coach & Photographer