連儂牆,然後呢?/ Lennon Wall, THEN?

Li-Yun Lin (Jamie), PhD
5 min readOct 4, 2019


你有想過,連儂牆在到期後要何去何從嗎? Have you ever thought about recording the Lennon wall?



Here is the google slide we used on g0v at 9/7 (a hackathon, g0v is to substitute “o” in gov to 0(zero). Pronounced as gov-zero.) for a short talk. It’s a brief introduction to the Gong Guan Lennon wall and our goal. (Mandarin and English versions).

連儂牆,然後呢?/ Lennon Wall, THEN?


Memos and posters lean on the wall, telling different stories and emotions of a social movement without sounds. No matter what idea they hold, Lennon Wall represent the true meaning of a democratic society: understand and accept diversity points of view and having the freedom to express ourselves. However, before the last day of Lennon Wall comes, what can we do for the Lennon Wall?

什麼是連儂牆/ What is Lennon Wall?


If you already know what Lennon wall is, please look at this photo. If this is your first time heard of this vocabulary. Please feel free to scan this QRcode of the Wikipedia article to know more about the Lennon wall

維基百科條目連結/ Wikipedia article:

關於香港的反送中運動/ About 2019 Hong Kong protests
關於香港的反送中運動/ About 2019 Hong Kong protests

香港反送中運動(反對逃犯條例修訂草案運動)為反對香港政府所提出之 《逃犯條例》修訂草案所起之社會運動,在這兩張剪報中我們列出幾項重要遊行與流血事件,隨著武裝警察與黑幫的出現整個活動染上了鮮血,僅管九月四號林鄭月娥說願意退回逃犯條例,但五大訴求仍有四項未給予回應。

The 2019 Hong Kong protests, also known as the Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill (ELAB) Movement, are an ongoing series of demonstrations in Hong Kong that aim to oppose the introduction of the Fugitive Offenders amendment bill proposed by the Hong Kong government. On the two slides, we listed some major events and incidents. And the injury reports of protesters start to appear after the armed police were deployed and the gangs' intervention. Even though Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam said the extradition bill will be withdrawn. However, she doesn’t respond to the other four demands out of five ( withdraw the bill, for leader Carrie Lam to step down, an inquiry into police brutality, for those who have been arrested to be released, and greater democratic freedoms.) till today.

為什麼會拍公館連儂牆/ Why we document Gong Guan Lennon Wall

八月初 Lightbox 攝影圖書室團隊於其開放空間舉辦「香港社運小誌展」,同時得知公館地下道有聲援香港反送中運動的連儂牆,我們覺得透過空間攝影記錄眾人意念的集合體(連儂牆)是件非常有意義且重要的事;而且公館連儂牆為暫時性活動,路權申請期過後就會拆除。Lightbox 團隊期許能藉此作品將連儂牆的價值與群眾意念保存下來,並且將拍攝成果用 CC0 授權將檔案釋出與大眾共享。

At the beginning of August 2019. Lightbox held an exhibition: “Freedom-Hi! Zines from Hong Kong’s civil movement.” At the same time, they received the information of Gong Guan Lennon Wall. They thought it’s an extremely meaningful and important mission to record all the voices and supports of the public via space photography. What’s more, Gong Guan Lennon Wall was a temporary event and will be removed after the application date expired. Lightbox team hopes to use photography to preserve all the values of Gong Guan Lennon Wall and share the final outcomes with the public with CC0 authorization.

攝影過程縮時動圖/ Time-lapse of shooting process


Lightbox 詢問藝術創作者陳斌華(擅長大型地景的拼接拍攝、後製與大圖輸出)是否有願意參與拍攝連儂牆,最後決定以中片幅數位機背(6千萬畫素)、廣角鏡頭、每次橫移一個地磚的距離,進行拍攝,進行包圍曝光,以紀錄下所有細節。

Lightbox asked photographer: Pinhua Chen, a talented photographer who is good at large scale photo shooting and merging, retouching and large format printing, to join their project. They decided to use a medium format digital camera (60 million pixels) with a wide-angle lens to record all the details.

8/22 中午場勘、試拍;當晚 20:00 前往拍攝,21:25 左右開拍,直到凌晨 00:30 分才完工;共拍攝近740張照片,並在後製拼接後輸出共 4 張各牆面全景影像檔,以 CC0 授權釋出。

They made the field survey and demonstration at noon on August 22nd. After 85 minutes of preparation, they started shooting around 21:25 and completed all the processes at 0:30 that night. Approximately 740 pictures were taken and merged to four high-resolution panoramic images of the Gong Guan Lennon Wall. All of them are released under CC0 authorization.


You can find the high-resolution images of the Gong Guan Lennon Wall on Pinhua’s flickr and Wikicommons (Links attached). Many thanks to the photographer, Pinhua Chen, and Lightbox sharing these amazing and precious photos with the public and make them always online.

攝影師的flicker/ Pinhua’s flicker

在Wikicommons也看得到/ Wikicommons (Lennon Wall 3 Gongguan Taipei)

延伸應用日後計畫/ Further application & Future Plan


If you want to record more Lennon wall and upload to Wiki, please do contact us for further discussion. We will try our best to provide all the assistance you need. You can share the links of the Lennon Wall with the ones who are not able to come to see the Lennon Wall by themselves. Printing out the Lennon Walls and bring them to the protests is a brilliant way to let the public see the enthusiasm and sympathy we showed. Merchandises of the Lennon Wall are also welcome.

讓我們帶著連儂牆一起走上街頭吧!/ Let’s bring the Lennon Wall to protests!


Time can remove the traces of Lennon walls; however, the justice, enthusiasm and sympathy we showed will always online.


Here is the video record of the short talk at g0v:


Here are the websites of our partners, who made the Gong Guan Lennon Wall always online.

Lightbox 攝影圖書室:

Photographer 攝影師:

Wikidata Taiwan 維基數據台灣社群 :



Freedom of expression is like the air we breathe, we don’t feel it until people take it away from us. May we all can go through the storms and thunder, freedom and democracy always be at our side.



Li-Yun Lin (Jamie), PhD

PhD in immunology @unistra. Postdoc @inserm 🦠 Research direction: HIV functional antibodies. Gmail:jamielinliyun@gmail.com