Blake Charvoz, Tyrannosaurus Tech’s new Director of Operations and Customer Success

New Director of Operations Blake Carvoz is T-Tech’s Newest Hire

Jamie Smith
Published in
2 min readJan 15, 2018


I owe my start into the tech industry to Justin Timberlake and Jesse Eisenberg…err Mark Zuckerberg and Sean Parker.

When I was 20 I saw the movie “The Social Network” and afterward remember thinking “These guys are amazing, I gotta get a job in tech.” I also knew from that point on I would only follow two rules about the work I pursued:

  1. Work with awesome people
  2. Work on big things

So I set off to get a job in the tech world, and things got weird pretty quickly.

A few weeks later I got my first job in tech thanks to Craigslist. After seeing the previously mentioned movie, I decided I would do whatever it took to get into the tech industry, so I applied for literally every job I could find and hoped someone would take a shot on me.

I got the email on a Friday to come in the following Monday morning to interview for a Wordpress Development spot at a four-person web design company in Houston, Texas and with that, I began cramming as much as info as possible into my head on web development.

That was almost eight years ago, and since then I’ve had the pleasure of working with some of the smartest, and most passionate folks on mobile, web and design problems. What started as a web development career quickly transitioned into project management (because I am a terrible web developer). I’m proud to have worked on the teams that have turned out some slick mobile apps with killer startups, and big brands like State Farm, The Home Depot, The Houston Rockets, and GameStop.

So, after a few millennia, I was lucky enough to find the team at Tyrannosaurus Tech. There’s something unique growing here, aside from the obvious and heavy use of dinosaur puns, that I knew I had to be part of, and am beyond happy to be on the team.

Originally published at Tyrannosaurus Tech.

