Introducing ThorCommerce V.1

Accept VET in your WordPress and WooCommerce Store

VeriArti Official
3 min readFeb 24, 2020

While VeriArti is aiming to take out the crypto element of NFTs and blockchain as much as possible, we ran into one dilemma of using PayPal to purchase credits to use our platform. That was, that at this early stage in blockchain, the majority of users are still very much crypto-currency oriented. Thus, for some, the idea of exposing their name and address in a PayPal receipt is still a little anxiety-inducing (although we believe this stigma attached to blockchain through crypto stories will soon be shed!).

Any WordPress site with WooCommerce integrated can install this plugin
Any WordPress site with WooCommerce integrated can install this plugin

Anyway, we decided that we would offer an option for users to buy VRA credits with VET, simply because we’re a dApp based on the VeChain Thor blockchain. However, as we were making one for ourselves, we thought why not make a generic one that all 4m WooCommerce shops can integrate if they choose.

Thus, we introduce ThorCommerce V.1: an Automatic Fiat to VET conversion tool that integrates into any WooCommerce shop, allowing merchants to allow a customer to pay in VET, with their desired VET address or QR code displayed (with correct conversion), and their order updated automatically in their WooCommerce shop.

Simply enable the ability to accept VET Payments

We’ve also included the feature to allow merchants to increase or decrease the % of VET needed related to their fiat cost, just in case they want to make a bit of profit or offer discounts for those choosing to use VET.

Customers are given both a QR Code and an address to send VET to
Merchants receive an ‘on hold’ confirmation to expect a certain amount of VET from a specific address before releasing the order

We have uploaded the plugin to the WordPress repository and are waiting a few days for it to go live. We shall make plugin free to use and in V.2 aim to include VTHO for payments.

To keep track of updates, follow us on twitter VeriArti!

All the best,

The VeriArti Team

