Extremely “interesting”​ times for marketers and agencies.

Jamie Stenhouse
4 min readMar 27, 2020


As you are all aware, we are entering extremely “interesting” times for our industry and that of our clients. I wanted to share a few insights about how to continually expand your business and the work you do moving forward.

1) Focus on what is important:

We have all heard the phrase, “keep the main thing, the main thing” however I’m sure all of us have been guilty of adding a few “extra” main things to our plate over the last few months and even years.

In the current state of the marketplace, the main thing should focusing on outreach and driving sales.

We are unable to help our clients survive and win if we don’t have cash flow for ourselves. Sales fix everything. Go out there and generate sales conversations with prospects in need.

Yes, you will generate a lower than normal call volume but we’ve seen in our own companies, those that do show up to a sales call are more qualified due to the nature of their industry, they are ready, in pain and need help. Do the work, do outreach and the sales will follow — if you follow the process every day without fail.

2) Focus on what you can control.

We can only control our company, our perception and our actions. Clients may leave or pause accounts during this time, don’t take it personally, don’t get hung up. Keep doing the work for those clients who stick around and keep doing the work to fill your pipeline with desperate clients who need a hero like you to step up, save their business and save their lives.

There are thousands of prospects everyday who are in need of dire help. We can not control what happens to us, we can only control how we respond to it. We can not control incoming actions from the world, the marketplace and our clients — We can only control the outgoing actions we create, so make sure you’re putting the RIGHT actions out there into the world to bring you the results you actually want.

3) Isolation and systems.

If you are in self isolation or forced isolation (depending on where you live in the world). Now is a fantastic time to take a step back and reflect on what has worked and what hasn’t worked.

On what systems you need to build and what systems need to be updated. It’s when things breakdown, the world changes and in moments of slowed sales or slowed client work, that we can take a step back and work on our business.

Let your outreach team book you sales calls, do the calls, close clients and let your Client Delivery Team do the work for you based on the systems you’ve built.

While that is happening, take a step back and see how your team operates, are they handing off work correctly, is everything being built for your client by your dream team in the right order? How could it be faster? What is unnecessary, how could you scarp that system and rebuild it faster?

All of these questions we SHOULD be asking ourselves on a weekly basis, but let’s be honest, we always don’t. Now with everything that is happening you have space and time to become better and do better.

4) Clients need us.

At the end of the day, clients need us. More now than ever. It’s our duty to be the rock, the solid trusted force that can show them the way. Show no fear in the current marketplace, focus on sales and create trust with your current clients and new clients.

Look after them and take them to a place of safety or even better, to a place where they can win. There is no shortage if clients, your outreach team should be able to tell you that. If you’re doing the work, you should be seeing a minimum of 15 sales calls a week in your calendar during these times. There is no shortage of prospects willing to spend right now. There is only a shortage of marketers who are taking recent events as an opportunity to serve and improve their own agency.

5) I’m here to help.

At the end of the day, I’m here to help. If you are facing problems with your sales / systems / team, book a free call with me here: https://harmonizely.com/jamiestenhouse/help and let’s work out a solution.

And no, this is not a “hidden sales call”, it’s me trying to help as I care. ✌🙏



Jamie Stenhouse

I Help Agencies To Build Teams, Systemise Their Workflow And Outsource Everything✌💯 https://app.jamiestenhouse.com/ocasestudy