Which countries really do have the BEST VA’s?

Jamie Stenhouse
4 min readOct 28, 2019


This is by far one of the most common questions I’ll get asked when a new client begins the Dream Team Intensive program.

“Which countries should I avoid hiring from for X role”.

Which is usually followed up with a story of how they’ve tried to outsource to cheaper countries only to be disappointed with the quality of the work they received.

Before I answer the leading question I want to address the underlying problem here which is, low quality of work.

It’s not the country that is the issue. The problem is the quality of work.

There are a few reasons why outsourcing can lead to a low quality of work, which leads most entrepreneurs to think outsourcing is not for them.

  1. Hiring to solve problems. I’ve explained this before inside my case study. You don’t want to hire to solve problems. Instead, you want to activity resolve your issues by discovering what needs to be done, how to do it and then hiring someone to execute against those actions. Again you can learn more about that here: https://app.jamiestenhouse.com/ocasestudy
  2. Not using a clear before and after process. This has been one of my greatest shortcuts when it comes to outsourcing and managing a team from overseas. If you don’t know what a before and after the process is, I suggest reading this resources here: https://www.jamiestenhouse.com/how-to-start-building-systems-for-your-agency
  3. Hiring in the wrong order. There as to be a flow to how you build and hire your team. You want to hire from the tools back, and this resource dives a bit more into that.

I decided only to list three reason why quality control is an issue when it comes to outsourcing. If you want to avoid quality control problems when outsourcing I suggest taking some time to watch the Dream Team Intensive case study over here at https://app.jamiestenhouse.com/ocasestudy

Back to the main question.

Which countries do I hire from? Well, I’m not biased on counties. I am however biased on someone’s communication skills and their price per hour.

When you look at outsourcing as a whole, nobody wants to do dangerous work. People just want to be given work and paid for their efforts.

With this in mind, where does poor quality work come from then? Well, somewhere along the line the freelancer or the contractor or the supposed A-Player you hired thought it was okay to deliver you that quality of work.

Somewhere along the line between hiring and outsourcing you gave them the input that that quality of work was okay. No one goes out of their way to do poor quality work work at risk of losing their job. Someone along the line they merely thought that THAT quality of work was okay and acceptable.

So how do you fix this?

No, you don’t hire from western countries only. Instead, you work on defining your process to provide them with the correct input to the correct output ratio. You create a system that doesn’t allow for poor quality work to happen. There are many ways to design this within a few minutes that we explain within the Dream Team Intensive. A great example if you want to outsource tasks, not entire projects: https://www.jamiestenhouse.com/heres-why-outsourcing-never-works-for-you

A project may be, design a website. If you merely hand that entire project to someone from Upwork…there’s bound to be a few quality control issues.

On the other side, if you outsourced tasks within the shell of a project. For example, change this header image, increase font size, replace images, edit the footer widgets etc etc…the success rate of each of those tasks is well above 99% which as a collective, ensures that the project is completed successfully without needing you to recheck it.

The problem of, which countries to hire from is merely a symptom of not designing a process that accounts for every variable.

However, I know this is not why you came to this post. If you must know😂, I hire from Australia, UK, Canada, America, India and the Philippines plus everywhere in between.

Who’s the better country to hire from? They are all equal. They are all equal because of the process that I’ve designed which allows anyone to hop in at any stage of the production line style task and take over.

Instead of looking at the micro details of countries and skill sets and price per hour. Look at your team as a whole starting from the input that is going to be creating the output, the interactions the process and the entire system.

Thankfully this case study goes into how I create my processes and automate my agency team of 16 on a daily basis. Click here to watch the case study: https://app.jamiestenhouse.com/ocasestudy



Jamie Stenhouse

I Help Agencies To Build Teams, Systemise Their Workflow And Outsource Everything✌💯 https://app.jamiestenhouse.com/ocasestudy