‘Space’ as a Visual Element of Graphic Design

Muhammad Jamil
3 min readJan 13, 2023


In graphic design, "space" refers to the area around, between, and within elements on a page. It can be used to create hierarchy, balance, and visual interest in a design. Positive space refers to the main focus of a design, while negative space refers to the area around the main focus. Both positive and negative spaces play important roles in creating a visually pleasing composition.

“Space gives shape to the object.” — Paul Rand

Mainly, spaces are classified into three categories:

  • Positive space refers to the main focus of a design, such as the main image or text in a layout.
  • Negative space refers to the area around the main focus, and it is also known as white space. Negative space can be used to create a sense of balance and elegance in a design.
  • Active space refers to the area between elements in a design, and it can be used to create a sense of movement and depth.
Positive and Negative Space

Some examples of how space is used in graphic design include:

  • White space, also known as negative space, is used to create a sense of balance and elegance in a design. For example, a simple logo design with a lot of white space around the main image can make the image appear more striking and easy to read.
  • Overlapping elements can create a sense of depth and movement in a design. For example, in a poster design, overlapping images can create the illusion of layers and depth.
  • Alignment is another way space is used in graphic design. By aligning elements in a design, you can create a sense of order and balance.
  • Proximity is also used to create relationships between elements and group them together, this way you can create a sense of hierarchy. For example, grouping related elements together (such as text and images) in a poster design can help guide the viewer’s eye through the design.
  • Contrasting background and foreground elements can create a sense of depth and movement in a design. For example, a dark background with light text or a light background with dark text can create a sense of contrast and visual interest.
  • Grids, layouts and templates are also used to create a sense of balance and order. They help guide the viewer’s eye through the design and make sure the elements are aligned and positioned correctly.
Space Examples

“Space is not just a background, it’s a dynamic part of the design.” — Ellen Lupton

Space is one of the most important visual elements in graphic design, and it plays a crucial role in creating visual hierarchy, balance, and interest in a design. It helps guide the viewer’s eye through a design, create a sense of depth, and establish a visual hierarchy.

“Designers use space to organise and clarify information.” — Karen A. Schriver


Space is a visual element of graphic design that refers to the area around, between, and within elements on a page. It is a crucial element that can be used to create visual hierarchy, balance, and interest in a design. Space can be divided into three types: positive, negative, and active. Positive space refers to the main focus of a design, such as the main image or text in a layout. Negative space refers to the area around the main focus, and it is also known as white space. Negative space can be used to create a sense of balance and elegance in a design. Active space refers to the area between elements in a design, and it can be used to create a sense of movement and depth. Designers use various techniques to control space in a design, such as overlapping elements, alignment, proximity, contrast, grid layouts, and templates. Overall, understanding and utilizing space effectively in a design can greatly enhance the overall visual appeal of a design.

