5 Little Known Facts About Me

Jamilah Corbitt
2 min readNov 26, 2017

I’m the personification of the saying, “never judge a book by it’s cover.” When people watch my livestreams, they are surprised when I reveal certain facts about myself.

Here are 5 little known facts about me:

  1. I’m an introvert. You can’t tell from my online persona, but seriously, I am. I greatly prefer my own company than interacting with people. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very personable and outgoing — but nothing beats sitting at home in my onesie watching YouTube vids.
  2. I have freckles. You can’t really tell from photos and videos, but as I get older they get more pronounced. My mom and dad have freckles too, so I guess it’s in the genes. I think they’re cute.
  3. I grew up in Washington, D.C. No not “The DMV” as most would like to call it. I was raised in the city — Northwest (aka Uptown) to be exact.
  4. I went to college for free. Yup, for free. This is a little-known fact to people who have encountered me over the last few years. From childhood until I successfully rebranded myself, I was always known as Jamilah Corbitt the basketball player. I played Division-I basketball and was fortunate to receive an athletic scholarship. I graduated college with no debt.
  5. I had braces as a teenager. Got them on at 12, and off at 19. You’ve never felt pain until you’re elbowed in the mouth while playing basketball and your lip is cut up for the next few days.

It amazes me how I’ve underwent multiple transformations throughout my lifetime.

Maybe tomorrow I’ll give you five more…

This is Day 13 of my 30 day blogging challenge. I appreciate you for supporting. ❤️ If this resonated, it would mean so much to me if you hit the 👏 button a few times. It helps make the story visible to others.

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Jamilah Corbitt

I make brands 💥BOOM💥 Entrepreneur. Keynote Speaker. Marketing Maverick. Welcome to my crazy, beautiful world of unfiltered thoughts 🌎