The FART as an air FRESHENER

Is it possible? We could pass the fart and it works as an air freshener

Jamil Ashraf
3 min readNov 20, 2022
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There are three states of matter so far solid, liquid, and gas. The Human body discharges somehow something in all three forms of matter such as poop in a solid state. Tears, sweats, urine, and sperm are in liquid states. Last but not least is the fart in the gaseous state.

Apart from the fart, the rest of the emission from the human body needs a certain time and space. Tears will not come automatically anywhere. Certain situations need to come out of tears whether you are really dejected or you are glad enough. You need a certain space to pass the poops and urines. Ethically you have to go to the toilet for the urine and poops and vice versa for the above-mentioned things.

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The fart is independent of time and space. You can pass it anywhere at any time but it bothers you. Sometimes it may embarrass you that’s why it irritates you most of the time. A person passes fart 14 times per day according to it also varies from person to person because each individual has a different digestive condition. It depends upon the meals you take too.

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Whether you have a bad stomach or not you pass the fart from time to time. When you are outside of the room so you enjoy passing the fart but when you are inside the room or at the office there it bothers you. You are not free to pass the gas like a fragrance. I have faced this sort of situation and I am pretty sure each one of you has faced this situation too.

I have hit upon an idea, is it possible that the fart works like an air freshener? If anyone is facing bloat and gas issues, he/she will pass it too many times. why don’t we have any pills for those who pass too much gas? Just take a pill and as a consequence, your fart will become an air freshener. I wish it is possible so we don’t need to keep an extra air freshener.

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Take pills and make your room full of aroma in every flavor. Medical science should work on it. Everything is possible. If they work on it, there will be a remedy of course. This is my imagination that’s why I wrote this post. I hope you are going to enjoy it and don’t forget to drop your interesting comments.

What would come to your mind first? if the fart became an air freshener.



Jamil Ashraf

I am professionally an Electronics Engineer. I have done Masters in Engineering and I have plenty of experiences in troubleshooting and maintain the plants.