Not even a Murky Plan

Jamilo Ismail
3 min readNov 11, 2016


As Ohio goes, so goes the nation

I have wanted that to be false more than I did last night. Commentators, statisticians, politicians, pundits all have missed the mark on predicting the results about the election. When Ohio backed him and Florida followed suit, NC, MI, WI and PA delivered the shocking hammer.

When Donald J Trump announced his candidacy back in 2015 everyone brushed him off and took everything he said as a joke. But you know who didn’t take him for a joke, Racism, and it won last night. Trump run as a nationalist for white America and he won. He run on the premise of getting rid of Muslims and he won. He run on reforming immigration in other words banning it and he won. He run on the notion of revitalizing White supremacy and rescuing it them from a world that is too diverse and intermingled. America preaches rest he world on Women’s Rights and yet it failed to elect one to its highest office last night. Hypocrisy at its finest.

The reverberations of this election’s results will be felt from every corner in the world. Market’s jitters have proven that. He has no solid plan for anything, he has never held any political office, has no clear or murky plans whatsoever. Zero foreign policy experience nor plans. He bashed and threatened everyone in his path. This is not a nightmare you wake up from, this is our reality and we have to live with it. He is against anything that is humane and diverse. Trump and his followers are one-sided, hear and move like Zombies so watch out. His presidency has changed the nation and it didn’t even start yet. Our nation is divided and it might not be repairable when he steps down in four years.

The idea of fleeing to Canada and skipping America for fours years sounds tempting and the easy way out but I have to say no for couple of reasons.

1- I was a refugee most of my life right before America adopted me and I have no desire of repeating the experience

2- Many people have a legitimate reasons of relocating, and the idea of just relocating because of trump just sounds ignorant.

3- America is home and I am not running away. You don’t skip town for inconvenience, to me this is like having a bad nightmare that we will wake up from as a nation. It might take us four years though, Koals anyone?

4- If living in America has taught me anything is; nothing is given, everything is earned and I am willing to do just that.

5- I am willing to fight for what is mine.

6- There might be a lot of racist people in this country who hate my existence, but there are good people too who made it possible for me to call this place home. I want to cherish that. And many more reasons so no to Canada for me.

Bigotry has won and we must not let it thrive. Xenophobia and Islam phobia has won last night and we must not let it disturb us. Racism has won last night and we must not succumb to it

Only 1460 days till election day, hold on tight because it will be one hell of roller-coaster ride.

