Jami Mack
3 min readJan 8, 2019

LAKE TIMES 1–2–2019

Well, I can now tell everyone…HAPPY 2019!! Let’s pray for a more peaceful and prayerful year…. with many of those prayers answered. I can tell you I’ve had several answered…before 2019…and a couple answered already for 2019!! 1–1–2019, yea, it was, let’s say, a very lucky day for me. All I can say, is the day was complete, started with an amazing wonderful friend…great time for New Year’s Eve, had dinner, hung out and watched “A Dog’s Purpose” …love that movie!!! Hung out and slept with two Coolio dogs and calmed the little guy during fireworks at 12:07am 😊 So, I got to wake up, 1–1–2019 with the same two loveable puppies, coffee with one of my bestest girls. Great start to a beautimous day 😊

So, my room is getting there…been busy the past week! I have a wall and door, more insulation for better heat, and part of my closet is going in today 😊 I found a house, with some good people, and yea, it does take a village sometimes. I found a welcoming village, where I feel I belong…for now at least…until God decides I belong somewhere else. Yesterday, felt just very blessed. I’m taking care of others, while God is sending those that are taking care of me. Even up until I fell asleep last night…he took care of me…all day. He sent me many blessings and lots of peace yesterday…in many ways… Friendship, laughter, puppy kisses, relaxation, family, beginnings, forgivings, sunshine, blue skies, and angel wings.

Today is cold, woke up to 39 degrees, and just 55 now…for those who live in snow country…this is FREEZING for us! We are cold here at 70 degrees. Hahaha, I know, I know…but when you are acclimated to 90–95, yea, we are very cold right now. I’m in my spot though…lake, beach, sunshine…just in my car staying warm, but yea, sun beating in on me, feels wonderful!! A few people out and about, a runner…in shorts n t-shirt!!! Is he crazy!! BRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! Yup, crazy!!

I can honestly say, I missed writing for 5 days! I could not get down here to write…but, maybe I was not supposed to…lol…reasons…I can see how I didn’t…now. It’s crazy how as I’ve begun to pray more, thank more, and give things to God more, I discover more reasons…sometimes just when they happen now…sometimes before…it’s cool…especially when it’s all good.

Some things we may never know…but finding out what you can in life is part of the fun. Might be the “private investigator” side of me that wants to know more…more about life…not things…but people…their stories…like my stories…even if one person is changed by what I have learned on my own, or from others that I can share…it’s all worth it.

Time to work on my book a bit. I hope everyone had great holidays. Let’s see if we can make 2019 the best year yet…for many. If you are not on my prayer list already, please feel free to message me…I’ll add you…it is an actual list, on my phone…sent out to God every day. The power of prayer is an amazing thing, and I’ve learned, with practice, that when you pray constantly and consistently, for others, and yourself, it can do amazing things in your life. You may not realize it now…but the reasons are there…sometimes you just must look a little deeper, a little harder.

Beautimous Days,




Jami Mack

I am currently living in beautiful Lake Havasu City, Arizona. I am writing again daily, and ready to utilize my talents and experiences God has given me.