Jami Mack
7 min readDec 28, 2018

LAKE TIMES 12–26–2018 & 12–27–2018…

Merry Belated Christmas everyone!

Took a couple days to recoup, heal a little…some kinda nasty bug got me last Thursday, and it is lingering! I felt it…whatever “it” is…fly up my nose, immediately sneezed, and have been trying to get it out of my system since. I usually fight this stuff easy, but ugh, please go away now!! I am just trying to not be sick, and just pretend I feel 100%.

So, feeling under the weather yesterday, I spent the early afternoon with my family…but didn’t want to get anyone else sick…or infected…so, I came to my spot at the lake for a bit. I was going to go straight home…to my room…shut myself in and take a long, much needed nap. But, instead, came here…took a little walk to my meditation/prayer spot to just sit a bit and soak up some sun. I didn’t feel like writing, but rather, thinking and praying were on my agenda.

As I was sitting, a “dirt vehicle” came over from the beach. Two girls (names protected), came by, asked what I was doing…and, they pretty much guessed it at the same time…meditating. They seemed to be sent to me by God, for perhaps a little help. One, more upset than the other, but I pray I helped them with some of my stories, thoughts about life, a couple of my life lessons…and a few hugs. The entire conversation, interaction, and words of encouragement may have lasted a whole 15 minutes.

It always brings great joy into my day when I can help perfect strangers. I had never seen these girls before, though they have lived in town a while. I wasn’t coming here yesterday, I was going straight home. I did not tell the girls to stop because I could help them…other than having them sit with me for few moments. The one, shedding tears when we began talking, and smiling as they left. There are so many reasons why God puts us in certain places at certain times. We don’t realize it until we realize it is HIM that is doing it…not you.

I know God brought me back home for reasons…many…I’m discovering new ones by the moment! I am staying as wide awake as possible to the reasons…the possible reasons…the possibilities. Some days I have no clue…but then “smack!” in the face…yesterday…it was the 2 girls. Who knows what tomorrow brings…only God…and he’ll make sure I am at the right place and the right time. Since I am working for Him…He works through me.

Sometimes, I don’t know which story is going to come out…but somehow, no matter which one it is…it is relatable to the other person’s situation. I try to tell as many people as I can about “moments”. I treasured my Christmas moments…God, family, friends…all of them. I hope everyone enjoyed their moments too…and keep enjoying them.

Not sure what the rest of the year…what’s left of it…is going to bring. Perhaps new friends, new adventures, new beginnings, new endings…hmmm…lots of possibilities! And, the new year…haven’t even begun to think about it…2019…holy cow!!

I seriously can’t believe I am going to be 50 years old next November!! Are you kidding me??!! I have my bad days when I feel 80…then I have good days, I feel 18…so, I really like it when I make…yes, make…people guess my age, and they guess 36 or 38…LOVE ALL OF YOU!! I don’t know how long I can get away with 10+ under par, but hey…I’ll take it!!!

Little windy today…no jet skis out yet. May calm later…never know here, but mostly…SUNNY!! Glad I got out early today, the extra Vitamin D is always a blessing.

Everyone Have a Fantabulous Day!!

Jami Mack



612 words


Another day has come, and over half gone. I started early, laid back down, and started again…still early. Got some goals accomplished today, number one being my dad didn’t end up in the emergency room today 😊 yeah daddy!! We are blessed…really…each and every day. It may not be visible to the naked eye…sometimes not even the heart…but the soul knows. Even when you don’t, I believe your soul does. It knows how blessed we all really are.

Today wasn’t about being a day…today God gave me blessings. He made sure I had my warm bed to wake up in. He has made sure I am in a safe, caring, and welcoming place. He has secured me in the knowledge that HE is in charge. Too often do people cross my path, I theirs…whether I need them, or they need me…there is always a reason.

Almost every day I have been home, I have either helped someone, they have helped me, made someone laugh, encouraged someone, heck, encouraged myself the past 2 months! If I hadn’t made the choice to put my life in God’s hands, some of the most amazing things would never have happened to me. The things I can control, yes…but the things I can’t…who do you think helps me? God has put the right people in my path, yet again. If you believe in coincidence…well, I believe in “Holy Coincidences”. There’s just been too many times, too many discovered reasons…once I learned to understand and know the reasons…yeah, pretty amazing the things I’ve discovered.

Not sure if I mentioned yet, I’m pretty sure I did…but I’m on page 25 of my book…just a chronicle of my life, and where I have discovered God has been there…every moment…little, big, significant, insignificant…it’s been a self-revelation of sorts. And since some parts of life are more difficult than others…to write, on paper, to be published…yea, that’s huge stuff right there…I have been a challenge. As I am progressing through my years and re-discovering myself along the way…I am re-discovering when my relationship with God began…where he lost me…where I came back…to where I am today.

I would say, if it weren’t for the experiences of the past year…might as well be 2 years…I would not be here writing to you today. I would not be out every day helping someone, honoring someone (3 funerals coming up in the next week starting Saturday), cooking for someone(s), sharing ideas, being free to decide what I do today, yet, being here to help and do as much as I can for as many as I am supposed to that day. Yes, I said supposed to. Because, even though some don’t believe…or think they are supposed to make a gazillion dollars because it makes them so special…well, I can tell you…it doesn’t mean a darn thing to God. He won’t care how many diamonds you have on your ring…that won’t be going to Heaven with you…he only cares about the one you have wrapped around your heart for HIM.

I used to have diamonds…a few…not many…not huge…not even big…but it’s not about the diamonds…they are pretty, and show, yea, a certain “status quo” I suppose. But really, when I think about life the last year…stuff…it’s just stuff. I’d rather be able to give the stuff I don’t need or want to those that do. I do admit I am a sucker for fuzzy blankies. As I am moving from a 1-bedroom apartment to a bedroom…I have given 3 of my blankies away this winter…not quite a sacrifice, as I have like 10 more…but, it was the internal feelings, of being able to part with one of my favorite things and being okay doing that.

Perhaps it’s the minimalist coming out in me, or perhaps the biggest reason…God has had me move 28 times now in my 49 years of life!!! It is time to um, yea, shrink my inventory, reduce volume and size…yea, I lost bout 50 pounds in a year, that helps!! 😊 So, off I go to work on that book, and see what other kind of wonderful things I can get into today!

Have a beautiful day/evening everyone!

Jami Mack



1338 words total

Jami Mack

I am currently living in beautiful Lake Havasu City, Arizona. I am writing again daily, and ready to utilize my talents and experiences God has given me.