My name is Jamison Dove and I’m a reader, writer, poet in search of discovering the meaning and connection behind the words.

Words are such a fascinating piece of art to me. The way we form them into sentences. The way we connect different sentences into buckets of knowledge. And the way we connect a bucket of knowledge from one book into a bucket of knowledge from another book. There is immense value in finding understanding and meaning in what life actually is and how we can live a better life in this way.

Reading not only provides different portals through time and space, but also the ability to reflect and grow from the thoughts we take in.

Every month I send out a free newsletter that is essentially my journal of the insights I’ve gained from the books I’ve read. I believe in reading a broad mix of different genres. While depth is important in subjects we are most interested in, range is important in understanding life.

If you are interested in my Substack newsletter, you can subscribe here.

You can also connect with me on Twitter.

Thank you for reading and wishing you all the best,
