James Edward Ledlum, Jr.
3 min readJul 26, 2020

Mother Liberia at 173 Years — Let’s Build — The Time Is Now!

On this July 26th, 2020, I am pausing to reflect on the true meaning of this day for Mother Liberia and Liberians at home and in the diaspora. 1847 until now, 173 years since Mother Liberia gained her independence. Let us all pause and allow this to sink in for a moment!

As I pause, I am choosing to focus on the strategy ahead……Productively Moving Mother Liberia Forward. That means, We Must Build — Together We Can — The Time Is Now!

In order to build, there has to be a concept of what we would like to build and how we want to build, combined with a strategic plan outlining clear deliverables and milestones!

In the current context of Liberia, we need a strategy of “Building Back Better” with a focus on moving Mother Liberia forward — sustainable and resilient transformation that can withstand future shocks and vulnerability. This requires a people-centered approach to progressive transformation of our nation! This begs the question; how can we avoid being a nation that is reliant on hand outs from others? But rather, creation of long-standing partnerships and opportunities for increased hand up, in other words, uplifting and transforming our nation, especially for the generations to come!

Self-less Leaders with good ethics, morals and integrity, will execute the Plan! We must have some measurable key indicators and milestones to show tangible Wins as we build a better nation!

Let’s rewrite the narrative realizing that we deserve better as a people and a nation!!! And If not now, then when will we rewrite the narrative of Mother Liberia? And if not us, then who?

No longer shall we remain complacent and accept what is going on. Let’s begin to hold our leaders accountable! Mother Liberia’s future is crumbling, and we should not sit on the sideline and shift blames nor not take actions…… we cannot continue to do the same things, recycle the same group of people, but expect different results! We cannot plant Plantain and expect to harvest Cassava.

If Mother Liberia is deteriorating each day than the day before, how then can we build back better? We need to build a nation that is fireproof and bulletproof, with progress that can be sustained where our people can become self-reliant…..It is time that we, as a people, put aside our selfish ambitions and selflessly come together, think Mother Liberia first, and transform our nation! The time is now for us to take control of our destiny!

In Union strong, success is sure! What does this mean to us? We must unite as a people, working together for Mother Liberia. If we embrace this concept of building a better future for Mother Liberia, success will be sure, and results will be evident.

Sweet Liberia……Let us come together and Build Back Better for a productive and sustainable Mother Liberia.

Long Live Mother Liberia and the people of Liberia.

James Edward Ledlum, Jr.

A son of the soil — Mother Liberia