Group decision-making is the new survey.

Simple and personalized surveys to brainstorm and reach consensus.

2 min readMar 18, 2016

We are indeed in a feedback economy more than ever. The issue with traditional surveys is the lack of open feedback. When you attend an event, a workshop, a work meeting, often the facilitator wants the attendees to vote on A, B or C to figure out their opinions. These surveys contain multiple-choice questions also named ‘closed questions’. In other words, the facilitator chooses beforehand the answers on which the attendees have to vote. This approach can’t generate real and exhaustive feedback.

The issue with traditional surveys is the lack of open feedback.

In today’s economy, participants wants to be heard, they want to share their ideas. For sure they could do this on collaborative platforms like Jive, Yammer or even Facebook, but these tools lack of structure. Time is key and keeping the audience engaged as well. The facilitator requires a professional tool to generate many thorough feedback as possible.

This is the main differentiation of Jamstorming compared to any other existing survey tools. Jamstorming allows participants to share their feedback and vote on others’ feedback. The facilitator, on his/her side, can keep the control on a screen and can follow each participant’s progression stage. It’s a real-time and live approach while remaining simple to use and enjoyable —professional tools don’t have to be boring right ? :-)

Jamstorming allows participants to share their feedback and vote on others’ feedback.

Oh wait. One more thing. We told you that ‘real and open feedback’ matter, right? Well, we even added the possibility for participants to write a comment on each vote.

As Ron Fry says about Appreciative Inquiry, A “strict based approach” starting with discovery and active participation of all attendees.

Do you want to test Jamstorming for free? Try it today, sign up here and enjoy!




Create Surveys. Align People. Simple and personalized surveys to brainstorm and reach consensus.