The Law of Allowing: Why is it so Hard?

Jan Barley
6 min readDec 27, 2023
There is no Space for Your Manifestations: Read Why Below….

The law of allowing is likely one of the biggest stumbling blocks you knowingly or unknowingly encounter during your journey to manifest the life of your dreams.

Why is that?

Well, for one thing, you’re human; for another, we try to manipulate what is, gain control, influence the outcome, chase goals, and generally fight against anything that isn’t on our perceived map of reality.

Is It Genuinely Possible To Be OK With Whatever Does And Doesn’t Happen?

When my fiancé died in a cycling accident in 2020, my brain turned to fish food. I couldn’t grasp how David could be alive one minute and gone from my life forever in the space of an hour. Shock has a nasty effect on you physically and mentally, and I had so many things to contemplate about the impact on my life.

I clung to spiritual practices for five months before I moved to a smaller rental. Because the loss crushed my mental resources, I relied on the law of attraction to put me in the right place in front of the right people. I couldn’t help myself, so I prayed for guiding hands.

Alongside coping with the grief of losing my best friend and the love of my life, there was a question of financial survival. I had no money, no job, and no savings. After…



Jan Barley

I help people learn high income skills with a Shopify store. Your DFU business has no monthly fees EVER.