Losing Weight Thanks To Peer Pressure

Jan Pfeiffer
7 min readSep 6, 2020

I’m aware that yet another weight loss article might not be what the world needs right now. I’m also aware that most of humanity’s weight loss wisdom can be found on the Internet already. And indeed, I’m not going to bore you with why weight loss might be healthy or beneficial to you, and I won’t sketch out a special diet or animate you to do sports three times a week, because there’s definitely enough of that out there. But if — like me — you had previously tried to lose weight, but haven’t quite succeeded yet, then read on. This personal success story might give you a new approach to losing weight that can work for you, too.

Here’s the short and simple: I lost around 11 kg (around 22 lbs) in three months. While 11 kg doesn’t sound very much, there is no real downside to my method. It hasn’t left me wanting at all. I can go on like this for another three months, or six, or nine. Or forever. So, here are some reasons why those 11 kg in three months are such a big deal:

  • I did not have to adjust my personal schedule in any way.
  • I did this without doing sports. I work a 40 hours office week sitting in a chair in front of a computer, and when I get home, I play board games with my wife or watch documentary films about nature and history.
  • I did not abstain from foods I love. I still regularly eat chocolate, cake, and waffles. And sandwiches, and hamburgers, and cheese. I drink milk and coke.
  • I don’t take any supplements, or protein shakes, or weight…

