Jan Edwards
1 min readOct 5, 2018

God I love you!

Thank you for being born.

For nurturing and blossoming, for staying true to you and not letting any of it change the essence of you.

Thank you for your diversity, culture, variety and history…your openness, sacredness, heart, & divinity. Thank you for all that you offer, past and present. And for the years I knew you not, thank you for saving your sweetness for me.…your colors, waters, sands & breeze. Your optimism, sunshine, spirit and style…your grasses, flowers, trees and tiles.

Thank you for blessing me with your peace and courage, your inner resiliency, your simple times, carefree moments and magical sense of wonder. Your strength, serenity and effortless sensitivity. For embracing all you cold become and expanding into all that you are today.

Thank you for being every place I’ve ever lived, for beckoning me to your door…for enlivening, amazing, sustaining and soothing me. Thank you for being all I’d hoped you’d be, needed you to be, knew you’d be, and so much more.

Thank you for being you Santa Barbara! I’m so very grateful.


Jan Edwards

Intuitive Self-Actualization Guide; Ghostwriter; Editor; Access Consciousness Fac.; Ordained Minister https://www.janedwards.org/ https://linktr.ee/edwards.jan