Part 2 — Zoho Creator — Import data and make the data entry even

Janaki Shantharam
3 min readAug 18, 2017


· In the 1st part we learnt how to create the form (Data input form). In this part, we will learn how to create the form using import function. Please note that the forms can be created by adding the fields from scratch or by importing the data from existing forms and creator automatically creates the form.

· Imagine you already have the data captured in an excell sheet on number of holidays employees have taken and few other employee data.

· It is tedius to enter each and every data to the above system.

· Do you know Zoho Creator has awesome feature to just import the already existing data to the system. Isnt it awesome?

· Go to edit mode

· On the left click on “Create New” → Form

· You will find the below screen

· Click on “Import File” radio button in the above page (inside the creator app ofcourse J )

· You can import the file from wherever you have stored like Computer or Cloud.

· I have stored in my system, so I will click on “From Computer”

· Here you get two options like where you want to store the data? — In the existing form i.e. “Vacation Request Form” (Name I have given, you can give your own app name) and New Form.

· Select New form — reason is that the data is going to be created and stored in a new form which can be fetched in the due course.

· Once you type the New Form Name, the below pop-up comes. Here you have an option to reconfirm the field type i.e. Name (under Single Line), Number under “Number” field type. If you have any descripency, you can change it here.

· Once you click “Finish” the following filled form comes . Oops isnt it so cool.

· Now check the application by clicking “Access this application” top right button in green color.

· Magic happens — all your data is imported, a form is created with the fields & the data is saved in the Report section.

· Now that we have Vacation request form and Employee Information form. We need to tie both. Example, if an employee enters his data, it should be auto validated and presented on the request block.

· We will do this in the next chapter.

Note: I will share my learning chapter wise everyday. Yesterday my internet was down so couldnt do it. That is where I also learned a defect with Zoho Creator that if there is no power we cant work on it offline :(

For those who missed the first part here is the link fyr



Janaki Shantharam

djobs founder,Organizer of Bangalore Tech Talk Meetup, Zoho