How to Deal with Loneliness — 8 Easy Strategies to Try

7 min readNov 6, 2023


A girl sitting alone on a swing at the beach, gazing at the empty seat beside her, feeling lonely.
Credit: AntonioGuillemF at

Feeling lonely is something we’ve all experienced at some point in our lives. It’s that longing for someone to share your moments with. But loneliness isn’t just a fleeting emotion; it can really affect how you feel mentally and physically.

In today’s fast-paced world, loneliness isn’t just an individual struggle — it’s a widespread health concern that profoundly affects our lives.

The bright side? There are practical strategies backed by science to help you combat these feelings.

Let’s explore the signs and causes of loneliness and discover eight simple ways to overcome it. These strategies can guide you toward feeling more connected and fulfilled.

What is Loneliness?

Loneliness isn’t just about being alone. It’s that feeling of missing a real connection with others. Many people believe it means they’re not good enough, but that’s not true.

Loneliness can affect anyone, and the reasons for it are many.

So, in the next section, we’ll explore these reasons that often cause that sense of loneliness. Keep reading to learn more.

Why Do We Feel Lonely? What Are the Causes of Loneliness?

Loneliness isn’t just an inexplicable feeling. There are common reasons behind it. Let’s take a closer look:

  1. Life changes: Major life events, such as relocating to a new place, experiencing a divorce, or dealing with losing someone dear to you, can trigger feelings of loneliness. For instance, moving to a new city can be tough, leaving behind familiar surroundings, friends, and routines. Suddenly, being in an unfamiliar place with nobody to talk to can make you feel lost and alone. Similarly, going through a divorce or losing a loved one can create a void that’s difficult to fill, leading to a deep sense of isolation.
  2. Depression: Loneliness often goes hand in hand with depression. You might think nobody understands or can help you. When you’re going through a hard time, you might avoid people, making you feel even more alone.
  3. Low self-esteem: If you don’t feel good about yourself, you might believe nobody else would want to be around you. For example, if you lack certain qualities or skills or have low confidence, you might hesitate to engage in social activities or maintain friendships. This self-doubt can lead to chronic loneliness, making you feel unworthy of friendship.
  4. Personality: Some individuals are naturally more introverted. While introversion isn’t a problem, it might make it harder to connect with others, causing lonely feelings even without trying. For instance, if you’re more comfortable spending time alone or find it challenging to approach new people, you might feel isolated despite not actively seeking out social interactions.

Once you’ve understood what’s causing your loneliness, it’s time to uncover the subtle signs that might have escaped your notice.

A sad girl looking at the sunset.
Credit: Sasha Freemind at

What Are the Signs of Loneliness?

Loneliness doesn’t always come knocking with a neon light, but some signs can help you recognize it:

  • Feeling sad or anxious: Sometimes, sadness or anxiety might creep in, making you feel down without a clear reason.
  • Avoiding social gatherings: You might find excuses not to meet friends or family. Feeling like you just don’t want to connect with anyone is a sign.
  • Changes in eating and sleep habits: Loneliness can affect your eating and sleeping routines. You might eat too much or too little and struggle to get a good night’s sleep.
  • Negative thoughts about social connections: Feeling like nobody wants to be around you or having negative thoughts about people is a red flag.
  • Trouble concentrating: It might become tough to focus on tasks or conversations, and your mind wanders often.
  • Filling the void with activities: Some might indulge in hobbies or work excessively to escape loneliness.
  • Busyness as a shield: Constantly keeping busy can be a way of avoiding being alone with your thoughts.
  • Feeling fatigued and neglecting self-care: Loneliness can drain your energy, making you feel tired and unmotivated, and may lead to neglecting self-care, like showering regularly or eating well.

In the following section, discover practical strategies that can help combat loneliness. Scroll down to explore 8 helpful tips to improve your mental well-being.

8 Simple Strategies to Overcome Loneliness and Boost Self-Esteem

Loneliness is tough, but there are ways to help you fight it. Look at the effective evidence-based techniques to cope with loneliness.

1. Connect Deeply with Others

Building strong connections is a medicine against loneliness. Here’s what you can do:

  • Reach out: Reconnect with old friends. Send a message or call — it’s easier than you think!
  • Explore new interests: Join clubs or groups related to things you love.
  • Open up: Share your thoughts and feelings. Being vulnerable helps others understand you better.

2. Embrace Me-Time

Connecting with others is great, but don’t forget to enjoy your company too! Scientific research supports the idea that solitude can be valuable.

It allows for self-reflection, a fresh perspective on problems, and an appreciation of social connections.

Here’s how to make the most of it:

  • Discover your passions: Dive into activities you love. Whether painting, reading, or stargazing, do what makes you happy.
  • Reflect: Use alone time for self-reflection. It’s a chance to understand yourself better and grow as a person.
  • Enjoy the perks: Solitude isn’t lonely; it’s a time with yourself. Embrace it, and you’ll appreciate the benefits.

So, take a break from the hustle and bustle and savor some quality time alone. You’ll be surprised at how rewarding it can be!

3. Be Your Own Best Friend

Loneliness can mess with your self-esteem, but it’s important to know it’s not your fault. To fight loneliness, start by being kind to yourself:

  • Practice self-compassion: Treat yourself like you’d treat a good friend. We all have ups and downs, and that’s okay.
  • Self-care: Take care of your body and mind. Eat well, get enough rest and exercise — it works wonders.
  • Reach out: If loneliness feels overwhelming, consider talking to a pro. They can offer guidance and support.

4. Limit Social Media Time

Social media can be a double-edged sword when it comes to loneliness. To keep the loneliness away, consider these steps:

  • Set time limits: Don't let scrolling consume your day. Set boundaries for social media use.
  • Prioritize face-to-face: Online chats are cool, but nothing beats real, in-person hangouts. Invest in offline connections.
  • Quality over quantity: Focus on a few close friends rather than chasing likes and followers. Real connections matter most.

Remember, social media is just a tool; it’s the real-life connections that truly fill your heart.

5. Reach Out to a Professional

When loneliness feels too much to handle, remember, there’s no shame in seeking help. Therapists and counselors are there for you.

Here’s why you should consider reaching out:

  • Valuable support: They offer tools and guidance to tackle loneliness.
  • A listening ear: Sometimes, sharing your feelings with a pro can make a difference.
  • You’re not alone: Many people seek help for loneliness. It’s a common and brave step.

6. Shift Your Mindset

Lonely thoughts can be a downer, but you can flip the script. Here’s how to turn those negatives into positives:

  • Challenge negative thoughts: When loneliness creeps in, question those gloomy thoughts. Are they really true?
  • Replace with positivity: Swap those downbeat thoughts for happier ones.
  • Take control: Your thoughts, your rules. Don’t let loneliness dictate how you feel.

7. Take a Step Forward

Feeling lonely can make you want to hide, but don’t let it. Here’s why stepping out of your comfort zone is a game-changer:

  • Face your fears: Loneliness thrives on avoidance. Push yourself to engage in social activities, even if it feels uncomfortable.
  • Challenge your beliefs: It’s easy to assume the worst. By taking action, you might discover that social situations aren’t as bad as you thought.
  • Build confidence: Each small step can boost your confidence and reduce the importance of loneliness.

8. Hone Your Skills

Social skills can be your secret weapon against loneliness. Here’s what to focus on:

  • Active listening: Show you care by really tuning in to others. Ask questions, maintain eye contact, and be present in the moment.
  • Assertiveness: Learn to speak up for yourself while respecting others’ feelings and opinions. It’s a skill that can help you easily navigate social situations.
  • Confidence boost: As your social skills develop, so does your confidence. You’ll feel more at ease connecting with others.

Take the First Step Today to Overcome Loneliness

Loneliness hurts, making life feel heavy. But remember, it’s okay to feel this way. Although it can seem like an endless road, there’s hope. We all experience it, but there are ways to overcome it.

Give the strategies we’ve discussed a try. If you find that the feeling of loneliness persists, don’t hesitate to ask for professional help. You’re not walking this path alone, and there’s support available for you along the way.

This article offers suggestions to combat loneliness and improve well-being. However, it’s not a replacement for professional help or advice. If you’re struggling with loneliness or mental health issues, consider seeking support from a qualified professional.

