Eomer Horse famous Lord of the rings character

4 min readJun 16, 2020



Eomer is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth. She appears in The Lord of the Rings as a leader of the Riders of Rohan.

Character: Eomer is primarily a warrior, as well as being prince and marshal of the third Riddermark. Eomer is a determined and strong man, he would do anything to defend his homeland, Rohan. Grateful to those who love, merciless against the enemies who threaten his companions, Eomer would sacrifice his life for them, considering that he does not fear death or pain.

Past history: Eomer was born in 2938 of the Third Age, four years before his sister Eowyn from the union of Theodwyn and Edmund. The mother was the sister of the king of Rohan, for this reason, she grew up like any child of noble origins; after the death of both parents, he was adopted by his uncle and, together with his sister, they lived in the court of Rohan. Despite all the comforts he had access to, he showed an interest in the battle and defense of his homeland from an early age, not wanting to remain on the sidelines while his family members perished during the clashes. Thus began his military training, followed with great interest by his uncle Theoden, who has now become like a father to him and his sister.

He became skilled in the use of the sword and spear becoming a formidable warrior, subsequently learning to ride in an excellent way like all the men of Rohan, who not by chance are still defined as “Lords of the horses”. The steed he received as a gift from his relative was called Firefoot.

He fought from a young age in the wars between the domination and the unification of the territories of Rohan, a desire that the king had always had since his appointment. He then descended into battle in the various regions of Rohan, Estfalda, Estemnet, Investment, Ovestfalda and finally the Western Brand, succeeding in their liberation and finally uniting them under a single flag alongside his uncle Theoden and his cousin Theodred, of whom he became an inseparable friend, remaining tied to him to the point of death.

When his cousin fell fighting the Isadi fords, Eomer automatically became heir to the throne of Rohan, but was not well seen in Edoras, since he refused to execute the orders of Grima Vermilinguo, an adviser to the king and faithful servant of Saruman, who operated in the shadows to be able to control men.

An example of this was his disobedience in letting an Orc company pass through the Rohan territory; Eomer chased them and annihilated them without the slightest regard and pity, thus being locked up in his cell on his return to Edoras.

After Gandalf’s arrival in Edoras and the fall of the veil with which Grima, and indirectly Saruman made Theoden unable to act, and the consequent expulsion of the king’s servant, Eomer regained his prestige at the court, being freed from his captivity. He led the army of Rohan, together with Aragorn in the battle of the ditch of Helm, where Rohan was victorious against the Shadow forces that had established there after the fall of Sauron.

The aforementioned victory cost Rohan and the Eorlingas innumerable damages and losses that the rulers still remember annually in a solemn ceremony. In 2965 his uncle Theoden called a meeting between the nephew and the daughter of Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth, Lothiriel: between them, there was immediately a great understanding and in a short time the date of their wedding was marked which took place in 2967 of the Third Age. A year later Elfwine was born, their first and only child.

Eomer subsequently rushed to Aragorn’s aid in several successive conflicts but did not directly participate in the Great War of the Dragons, which occurred in 2972 ?? of the Third Age.

Over the years it was honored by the uncle king with the gift of the ditch of Helm that Eomer had always loved, and he was able to rebuild the Trumpet and the walls marked by the war with the orcs, removing any slight weakness such as the drain of the waters, burying them under the ground.

He managed to prosper the citadel within the walls making it the second most important city of Rohan after Edoras, managing to trade the wealth that was extracted from the Sparkling Caves on which the stronghold was built. He also maintained an excellent relationship with King Elessar following him on his missions and trading many riches and materials with the kingdom of Gondor, becoming the favorite referent of the king of Minas Thirith.

He participated directly, in 2982 of the Third Age in the War of the Brown Lands, siding in favor of Gondor, and finally, after his victory, he returned to the ditch of Helm, where he still presides.

Present history: Only three years have passed since the last conflict, but rumors of strange events north of Gondor and in Minas Tirith itself reach the gates of Edoras, where Theoden is slowly fading. This entrusted a longtime friend, Medekai, with the task of controlling Eomer and reporting to him if the young man is now ready to take on the life of a sovereign.

After several days in which Theoden’s grandson could not find a quibble to expose the figure of Medekai, the last meeting with Forthwald made him ready to face the old scholar with a light heart.

In the throne room, he found his death, knowing that his wife and son perished under the power of Glaurung, the true identity of the old councilor, and Rohan now lost.

