Calories in a tablespoon of butter vs. ghee: The right choice for burning fat

Jane Leeves
2 min readMay 23, 2022


Eat ghee, stay fit

Ghee has a slightly higher concentration of fat than butter. But how many calories in a tablespoon of butter exist? It is roughly 102 calories which are not as high as its clarified counterpart, ghee. Ghee clarified butter contains 120 calories per tablespoon serving. Ghee calories are high but can help you lose weight properly.

Ghee is the best medium for all types of cooking, from baking, broiling, and frying or sauteing. Pure ghee includes short and medium-chain fatty acids that are quickly processed by the liver and converted into energy. Athletes, or people with active and high-energy lifestyles, can have this superfood for instant energy support. Ghee oil is equivalent to wholesome goodness for our overall body and mind.

Ghee calories for weight loss

You might be thinking calories in a tablespoon of butter is lower than butter, then why does ghee support weight loss? This is because ghee is loaded with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. A small amount of ghee can suppress hunger pangs, preventing the consumer from overeating. The instant energy boost and metabolism boost can burn belly fat faster. So, don’t shy away from this ancient superfood. Maintain an active lifestyle and have ghee in moderation to reap all the benefits.

