How I Accidentally Made Six Figures as a Programmer After Learning Python (And Still Don’t Know What I’m Doing)

3 min readAug 14, 2023
Photo by on Unsplash

Hey there, you unsuspecting reader! It’s your friendly neighborhood tech wizard, Jane, here to spill the beans on how I stumbled into making six figures as a programmer after I learned Python — because apparently, turning coffee into code pays better than I expected. Buckle up, my friends, because this rollercoaster ride is about to get wilder than debugging on a Monday morning.

The Humble Beginnings

So, picture this: me, Jane, a clueless twenty-something with the coding skills of a caffeinated squirrel. Armed with my determination and a textbook thicker than a brick, I decided to dive headfirst into the world of programming. And what better way to start than by tackling Python, the language that sounds like a distant cousin of a snake?

From Zero to Hero (Well, Kind Of)

Fast-forward through countless hours of wrestling with indents and crying over syntax errors, and I found myself somewhat proficient in Python. I mean, sure, I could write a loop and create a function, but ask me to explain object-oriented programming, and I’d look at you like you just asked for directions to Atlantis.

Landing in the Land of…




My one-person business retired me at 25 years old. Don’t know how to start one? I’ll show you 👉