Jane Bayler - The Smart Connector
Jane Bayler - The Smart Connector

I'm so glad you're here and chose to check me out! I’m Jane Bayler - an entrepreneur, investor and brand and online marketer, with over 2 decades experience in global media and entertainment.

Having spent 10+ years developing business and managing campaigns for market leading brands such as ITV, Coca-Cola and Discovery Networks, I then grew a London-based brand identity business from £1m to £6m and quadrupled profits in under 2 years.

After selling this to US communications giant Interpublic, I joined the globally renowned brand consultancy FutureBrand before leaving for the path of full time entrepreneurship.

Today, as a consultant, coach, mentor and trainer - I help my clients build rapid, sustainable growth in their businesses, so they can enjoy a freedom-based life, and make an impact in the world.

I'm also a passionate podcaster (my podcast The Smart Connector is ranked in the top 2.5% globally). Follow me for tips, advice and insights on how to build your expert business, fast, and avoid all the time wasting and profit draining traps others in your field are falling into! https://linktr.ee/JaneyB

Medium member since March 2024
Jane Bayler - The Smart Connector

Jane Bayler - The Smart Connector

I’m a passionate brand marketer, podcaster, mentor and trainer, who helps service based business owners achieve next level success!