Why I Go Indoor Bouldering Every Week (And Why You Should Too)

How bouldering has improved my mental and physical strength.

Jane Carr
3 min readMay 23, 2022
Photo by Rahadiansyah on Unsplash

Recently I set out to understand the mental and physical strengths of athletes. I wasn’t a very active child. While I definitely did activities that had a positive impact on my mental strength, the ability of elite athletes to perform despite their body screaming for them to stop, has always astounded me. I have begun trying a few different sports to see if I can better understand this phenomenon. The first of which is bouldering.

I can say that I have now joined the club of the 20-year-old not-like-other-girls granola girl who pays an exorbitant amount of money to use my monkey skills to climb up a wall a few times a week.

Am I basic? Yes. Do I care? Not as much as I used to.

I admit, I avoided bouldering for a long time because I didn’t want to follow the hype. Plus, as I said, I’ve never really been athletic, and using your fingers to pull yourself up a wall seemed daunting. However, like many others, after watching the incredible skills of the Sport Climbers at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, I fell down a YouTube rabbit hole. I soon became obsessed with everything climbing except actually climbing. I was in one of the world’s longest and most restrictive lockdowns…



Jane Carr

Writings on languages, literature, and life musings.