10 Common Gardening Questions Answered by Professional Gardeners

Jane Clarke
4 min readJan 5, 2018


You have some gardening questions that you need answered? Check out the following text for answers. Here are 10 common gardening questions and their answers given by professional gardeners. There is a big chance that you’ll find what you’re looking for. If not, feel free to ask your question below in the comments.

Question 1: I’ve read that leaving grass clippings behind is good for soil nutrients. However, we pick up our clippings, but still we have too much thatch. What are we doing wrong?

Answer: The fact that thatch is caused by lawn clippings is a common misbelief. Actually, it occurs when dead material builds up from the bottom of the lawn, instead from the top. It is probably caused by overwatering or overuse of high nitrogen fertilizer or mowing the blades to short. Best, hire lawn mowing professionals.

Question 2: It is possible fungus to be brought into a property by a mowing service, which mows other lawns where fungus resides?

Answer: Yes, from lawns that have been cut recently. Fungus can be transferred not only with mowing equipment, but even with one’s shoes. There are types of fungus, which can wipe out your lawn overnight. So, in order to avoid this, discuss the possibility with the service you’ve hired.

Question 3: We recently bought a house, which has an enormous lawn and a slightly smaller garden. I’ve never lived in a house before and I don’t even know where to begin from. I have so many questions. When should I mow, for example?

Answer: There are different theories about how often you should mow the lawn. According to one of them you should start in the spring and mow every two weeks. According to another one, you should mow the grass only when needed. I would recommend the second one. As for your other questions maybe you will want to check out this article first — Gardening tips for beginners.

Question 4: There are little holes, which are probably around the size of my pinky finger. Also, there are areas of my lawn where grass has disappeared. However, clover remains. What can be the reason? I thought maybe ants, but I can’t spot them.

Answer: There are a few options. One of them is earthworms or some birds searching for earthworms. Best, get it checked out by professional gardeners.

Question 5: My question may seem stupid… but I am wondering if I’m mowing my lawn correctly.. Is there are correct way to mow a lawn?

Answer: Yes, there is. Mowing may seem easy and it is, but is actually pretty complex. Check this article to get to know the lawn mowing essentials.

Question 6: I cut down some shrubs and trees and now I don’t know what to do with the garbage and I’m afraid that it may start to mold. Any suggestions?

Answer: Use professional green waste disposal services.

Question 7: We’re expecting a terrible storm tomorrow. Is there anything I can do to protect my garden?

Answer: Yes, there is and it’s not hard. Here is how to prepare your garden to face the words storms.

Question 8: I have dead spots in the lawn. I’ve taken good care for it and I can’t see the reason for these dead spots. The old shabby lawn was replaced a few months ago by new turf and it has the right soil underneath.

Answer: The reason is probably over watering. Only water it when the rain has not been sufficient. I would recommend to applying to the area wettable sulfur and dolomitic lime to cure the lawn. This will help greatly!

Question 9: I want to make my garden comfortable. I want to be able to relax in it and to invite my friends for a tea in the garden. How can I achieve that?

Answer: The most important thing for having tea in the garden is to have comfortable seating. Of course, you must take care for the garden itself, too, but this is essential. However, if you want to make it more appealing, here are some landscape designs, which you can achieve cost-effectively.

Question 10: My hubby wants me to start growing tomatoes, but I don’t know how to prepare the soil. Can you, please, give me some tip. He really wants us to have healthy organic tomatoes in the garden.

Answer: The good news it that growing tomatoes is not that hard. However, it has its specifics that you need to be familiar with before you start. As for the soil tomatoes like well-drained soil, which can retain moisture without sogging is the perfect option. Here is more information.

If you have any other questions, leave a comment and you’ll get them answered soon. :)



Jane Clarke

I’m working as a Content Writer for Fantastic Services Australia. I’m their gardening expert. I also like writing about business, parenting and DIY.