The Blob (1988) Another View

The Buzz Killer
2 min readFeb 4, 2023


The 1988 film “The Blob” is a classic horror movie that tells the story of a small town that is terrorized by a mysterious, amorphous creature that falls from the sky. The creature, known simply as “The Blob,” is often seen as the villain of the film, but it could be argued that The Blob is actually the hero of the story.

At first glance, The Blob seems to be a mindless monster that consumes everything in its path. However, upon closer examination, it becomes clear that The Blob is simply an alien organism that is trying to survive in a strange and hostile environment. The Blob is not motivated by a desire to harm humans, but rather is simply trying to find food to sustain itself.

In many ways, The Blob is a victim of its own circumstance. It is an alien in a foreign world and is simply trying to survive. The humans in the film, on the other hand, are driven by fear and a desire to destroy what they do not understand.

Furthermore, The Blob is not a typical monster that is motivated by a desire for destruction or chaos. Instead, it is a creature that is driven by a basic need to survive, making it a much more sympathetic character. The Blob is not a villain, but rather a hero who is simply trying to do what is necessary to survive in a world that is hostile to it.

In conclusion, while The Blob may be seen as a villain in the eyes of many moviegoers, it is actually a hero in its own right. The Blob is a victim of circumstance, and its actions are driven by a basic need to survive in a strange and hostile environment. The Blob is not a monster, but rather a creature that deserves our understanding and empathy.



The Buzz Killer

The Buzz Killer is a true crime YouTube channel that will send shivers down your spine. Each episode dives into the darkest and most haunting cases.