The first NO that ever affected me.

Janeel Boon
2 min readOct 19, 2018


April 2017, I decided to apply for a US visa via the U.S. embassy Barbados. I can remember the days leading to my interview where I prepared my documents, nice speech, you name it. I was so confident that I didn’t worry about the financial side of it, even up to the very moment my number was called on the PA. My interview was a very long one, the interviewer’s expression was all convincing- or so I thought- until he wrapped it up and said (paraphrased): “Mr. Boon I see you are a man of potential, however; I will not be able to grant you a Visa today”… (with a smile- hiding my expressions… I continued listening), he then said: “I suggest you do not be haste to re-apply but go home and spend some time making a firm foundation.”

Janeel Boon (L) Shane Browne (R)

As I mustered the strength to walk out of the embassy, I can say that was like the first time a “no” affected me. Instantly (which is not like me) I decided I will not re-apply in the near future unless I have a REALLY GOOD REASON. Upon approaching (possibly) the last exit door, I saw a sign… all I saw was VISA- all expense paid. I looked a bit further and saw “Young Leader.” I didn’t read anything else but left saying to my self now: I will apply.
I visited the Embassy’s website about 1 or 2 months later and it was too late.
Then early 2018 my wife found the link (by the way she didn’t know about the poster I saw at the embassy), I instantly applied.

Fast forward. I revisited Barbados and happen to be interviewed by the same person- I doubt if he even remembered me. That interview went like … “How you are doing today? How you are feeling about being a YLAI fellow? congratulations.”

Today as we head to the final leg of the beginning of great things, I look back over and say thank You, Lord.

The story is still in writing…

I wish to encourage you as you read this… PLEASE DON’T GIVE UP ON YOURSELF!! I cannot say it any louder.
Reality is you may not always find someone who will believe in your “potential” but learn to use that to build a “firm foundation”.

Have a blessed day.
Janeel Boon

