A Tip for Personalising your Medium Posts with Graphic Design

A Beginner’s Guide to Canva

How to use Canva to create your own graphics for your stories.


I avoid Unsplash or other stock images when I can. I find it is often hard to locate the “right” image.

Thanks to my amazing sister, web designer extraordinaire, I have another string to my bow. (Check out her business here.) She pointed me in the direction of canva.com, an online graphic design platform. It has lots of tools available free, but you can also sign up for a “pro” package. I use it a lot, so I have now signed up for the “pro” package. Before signing up, I used it a lot for YouTube thumbnails and other projects using the free version.

A graphic I created for an upcoming story. Graphic by Author.

I have had some lovely comments on my graphics and today I got a message from Yana Bostongirl asking me to do a story on it, so here it is! Sidenote: if you haven’t checked out Yana’s stories, you should! Her writing features beautiful expression and lots to make you think.



Jane Frost (Jane Grows Garden Rooms)

Jane is passionate about Australian native plants, gardening, biodiversity, food forests , nature and the Arts. Also - owner/editor of Tea with Mother Nature