Why I’m dedicated to Working Out

Janelle King
3 min readJun 19, 2017


Life is busy. Trust me I get it! The last thing I want to think about after being on my feet all day is working out. Those who know me well would tell you that I never miss a date with my couch, blanket, and Netflix (LOL). Just few months ago I was working full time as a nurse, going to school at night trying to finish up my nursing degree, and juggling my personal responsibilities as a wife and mother. But I promised myself that once things slowed down, exercise would once again become a priority in my life. So how am I doing 6 months later? I’m human. I miss a work out occasionally, and more often than not, I am mentally and physically exhausted. Nevertheless, I am still just as committed to working on my physical health and here is why insist on being physically active most days of the week:

1. Your body deserves your love.

Three years after having a baby and as women in my late thirties, I don’t have unrealistic goals when it comes to my body and how I think it should look. I do however, think it’s important for me to lose a few pounds so that I have more energy for my mini-me, to fit into my clothes better, and look better naked ( I mean who doesn’t want to look hot when the lights are out… or on?) Experts say that the only way to maintain weight loss is to move your body…as hard as you can, as often as you can. So find an activity you love and get moving for 20–30 minutes a day most days of the week!

2. What about your friends?

Exercise is not only good for your physical and mental health but it’s also a great way to foster social connections. Working full time, being a mommy, and a wife, I am usually only able to catch up with my girlfriends during my scheduled fitness class or weekend runs. Each week I pencil in a few fitness dates on my calendar. These sessions give me the chance to socialize and also keep me accountable in reaching my fitness goals.

3. Exercise because you love your body, not because you hate it.

Although I am a pretty confident person, I am human and do have areas on my body that I would like to improve. By working out I expect positive changes in self-esteem and body image. This can only help me to overcome obstacle and challenges thrown my way.

As women we often put the needs of others before our own. Take the time to work on your physical well being because ultimately, “you can’t pour from an empty cup.” The physical and mental benefits cannot be overstated. Besides, your body will thank you for it!

What motivates you to move? How will you make more time to move?

