
What More Predictability?

Book Review: Sizing People Up by Robin Dreeke

Janelle Sheen
3 min readApr 28, 2020


Photo by Csaba Balazs on Unsplash

The unreliability of people causes endless issues within communication and relationships. You know what I am talking about. When someone says one thing and then do something else all togeather. Or we expect them to do one thing and they are off doing something else. Too often, we are left surprised and feel let down by the actions of others.

Robin Dreeke in Sizing People Up(2020) Provides insights on how to predict the behaviour of other people in a very practical and realistic framework. Dreeke has a number of years experience in the FBI, it was in that time he developed his framework.

While working for the FBI Dreeke found it incredible important to be able to predict what people around him would do. This was valuable for critical incidents, such as 9/11, US security activities, as well as for his professional development. Demonstrating the relevance of Sizing People Up for those in critical incident roles, as well for everyone working in a team environment, move forward professionally and wanting to develop secure Respectful personal Relationships.

In Sizing People Up Dreeke overviews ways to recognise if someone is a friend or foe, before moving onto Six Signs for Behaviour Prediction: vesting…



Janelle Sheen

Promotes and Facilitates Respectful Communication and Relationships skills. Advocates Meaningful Living