Learning New App Technology

Janelli Fusha
3 min readSep 25, 2018


This summer I was able to marry the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Unfortunately the excitement didn’t last long as he had to return to London 11 days after we got married. We had a long distance relationship since the start and we’ve managed to build a strong relationship thanks to technology.

Now that we are married, it is different, since we don’t just want to go back to relying on WhatsApp, Messenger, FaceTime, etc for constant communication. After discussing our options on where we should live, we realized that me joining him in the UK was the best for us both. In order for us to both live in the UK, we would have to start the process for applying for a spousal visa.

With our busy life it was hard to keep things in order and really make much progress. By pure luck during my ‘Leadership, Communication, and Teams in Virtual Work’ class, we started looking at different applications, one of which was BaseCamp. BaseCamp is a software that has ability to manage projects for teams or in this case a long-distance matrimony.

With BaseCamp we are able to have many functions in a single application. Not only are we able to chat online but we are able to set up To-do list, schedule appointment, share documents, etc. We are able to create separate teams with different participant and that way manage accordingly.

The best thing about this technology is how user friendly it is. We have minimized our problems by being able to jump right into using it, instead of trying to figure out how it works. It has a simple clean look that makes it quick for us to get around and see what is coming up and what needs to be completed at once. It saves us so much time by keeping everything organized for us.

We had previously been overwhelmed by how much we need to get done before I moved there. We had aim for me to move after I graduated in december but most importantly before BREXIT took effect. Being at a time crunch while both working full-time and with me in my last semester in place, whole process seem impossible. Thanks to BaseCamp we will be able to manage what need to be done as well as share important documents. We both get an alert of an appointment coming up or if something was added in the To-Do list.

I learned that there really is technology that could help you manage so many aspects of your life. BaseCamp has taught me how I could use an application to help me and my husband stay organize and process on our spousal visa quest. Though we are in two different continents we are able to stay connect and work together in this process.

One of the cons for me is that you set it to an email you don’t check regularly or you turn off the notifications for it you may end up neglecting it. If one person is not active it really loses its impact. I would also suggest that a feature be added so we can see the workload of each person. That way we aren’t adding task to the other person that may already be doing to much. My husbands ends up getting suck with most of the task, granted being the only one it the UK, we really don’t have much of an option.

Looking back at the progress we’ve made since using BaseCamp it is very surprising. Without it we would still be at stage one overwhelmed with logistics. We now have a real-time planner to help us manage all our appoints and keeping documents in order.

My class has already taught me so many different application along with BasCamp that there are so many great tools to stay connected. With the rise to virtual teams, I am fortunate enough to be familiar with many technology that will help me stay connected to teams whether virtual or not. So far it has helped me make a long-distance relationship work so I have no doubt that virtual teams will not be an issue for me. I will continue to learn new technology to make sure that I am successful.

