Db2 for z/OS Native REST services

Jane Man
1 min readJan 2, 2020


Applications focused around mobile devices are becoming increasingly important in large enterprises. RESTful APIs pay an important role in this area. From the following whitepaper, learn how you can expose DB2 functionality through RESTful services that are fully integrated in the DB2 distributed data facility (DDF) and how you can consume a DB2 REST service to build a DB2 for z/OS mobile application using IBM MobileFirst.

Build a DB2 for z/OS Mobile Application using DB2 REST service, Part 1: Expose DB2 functionality using DB2 REST service

Build a DB2 for z/OS Mobile Application using DB2 REST service, Part 2: Consume a DB2 REST service

Originally published at https://www.ibm.com. Generated 18,357 views as of 01/01/2020.

