2 min readJun 7, 2024

Who is a member of the ILLUMINATI? How to become Illuminati?

The Illuminati isn’t restricted only to music. It’s comprised of politicians, tastemakers, actors, and, yes, music bigwigs. From the president to Rihanna, these are the people who put on the Grammys, halftime shows. They control the world’s affairs with puppet organizations (record labels) and individual governments.


Where Are They?

Here’s the thing: The Illuminati has hidden its existence in plain view. Open your wallet and look at a dollar bill. That five-sided pyramid with the floating eye? Yeah, that’s the Illuminati. That five-cornered building in Washington D.C. known as the Pentagon? Illuminati. Rihanna posing in a triangle/pyramid-like geometry? Illuminati. (Music videos are actually riddled with New World Order symbolism, which is why we’re illustrating this mini-guide with 'em.)

we believe that we were born in paradise and no member should fight in this world. The Illuminati wants to bring Light to every corner of the earth Therefore, we’re for every human specie chosen with the Light in them, if you came across Our Post Today, then you must be in-search of Knowledge of the Truth and above all Enlightenment, so because we believe you have a star and we want you to work to the service of the Light according to the Plan of Illumination. You can visit our Official Website to learn more or talk to our agent for proper guidance;

+1 (301) 818-4327




"I give you all seed-bearing plants upon the earth, they shall be yours"