Presidents’ Day

Jane Petty
1 min readFeb 18, 2019


I currently live in provo. My parents live in pleasant grove. Yesterday I decided to run to my parents house, 10 miles in total. I’m still here, thanks to the fact that I am without a car and I’m not ambitious enough to run back to my apartment.

I’m with my big sister right now, watching her play kingdom hearts. She’s supposed to be at work. I don’t really need to be anywhere because it’s Presidents’ Day.

They call these kind of days bank holidays. Apart of me like these more than… actual holidays. I mean, not having plans is a treat sometimes.

The non-plan is to get a little more running in (probably not back to my apartment… I’ll just take the bus home I guess), catch up on homework, study, and do a bit of reading.

My dad found a book that I was supposed to bring back to the library about a month ago. So I’ll finish reading that and then hope that they don’t fine me.

Even though these plans are menial I might miss a thing or two. It be like that sometimes.

