Why you should care about the torture & murder of South Africa’s farmers

Dr. Jane Ruby 🇺🇸
3 min readFeb 12, 2018


Farmers throughout South Africa, both white and black but mostly white are being systematically attacked, tortured, and murdered with impunity — this is called “plaasmoorde.” Aside from the inhumanity of this why should you care? Because the United States is sending US foreign aid to the corrupt government of South Africa, the African National Congress, while brutal murders and torture of white farmers and some black farmers continues with impunity. After murdering the nation’s farmers, this despicable government moves in and confiscated all the farms without any compensation. They shouldn’t be rewarded for this with more financial aid.

Those of us criticizing these actions and the non-action of the corrupt and lawless government, are called liars and racist. On the contrary, as Americans we cannot support a support a foreign government that does not treat all of its citizens equally regardless of race. Your tax dollars are not going to people on the ground who need it, the US foreign aid will end up in the hands of the ANC.

Countless farmers and other citizens hold periodic rallies at their own peril, desperately trying to call attention to this rabid practice.

And do not let others on social media convince you with lies that this is not happening. I have multiple direct sources who are witnesses to this targeted murder and land grab. In the weeks to come I will be sharing more of their evidence. Here is a text message from a South African engineer whose relatives have been in SA longer than the United States has been a country; she answers my question, “It this really happening?”:

The corrupted ANC government is pocketing all forms of foreign aid and has failed to provide basic services for the people. Latest sources tell me that Cape Town is now facing severe water shortages because they have not planned for expansion in population. A former 3rd world country that was taken to the levels of a 1st world country initially by Dutch & English settlers as early as the 1600s, with infrastructure, public utilities, prolific farming providing produce to feed the country, and law & order to protect its citizens is reverting back to a third world “shit hole“ right before our eyes.

White farmers are in the majority of the farmers and they are those who are consistently attacked and murdered. This is why you are sometimes hearing of this atrocity as “white genocide” but make no mistake, black farmers are under attack as well. These farmers were incredibly productive providing the nation’s food supply and they are being wiped out. We should not be sending for an aid to a government that not only allows this but encourages it and illegally takes possession of farmers’ land. This is the policy of the African National Congress headed by its corrupt leader, Jacob Zuma who ALL South Africans want ousted.

As Americans we must add a voice to stop the targeted genocide of any race or group and certainly not enable a corrupted government by stuffing their coffers.

I hope President Trump is listening.



Dr. Jane Ruby 🇺🇸

Dr. Jane Ruby is an American author, New Right journalist, health economist, & host of Dr. Jane’s DC. Read her book, “A Sea of New Media” / Opinions are her own