The Science Of Self-Discipline

Jane Sheeba
Jan 11, 2024


The Science of Self-Discipline — good one! The book has lots of practical, useful tips and ideas you can take up and implement in your life to get results.

This book took me a while to complete, albeit being small, because I couldn’t “agree with” or “accept” certain concepts in the book and that caused some drag.

Before reading this book, I read Atomic Habits by James Clear — and you know that book is a bit bulky.

However, I was able to finish Atomic Habits quicker than this one.

Nevertheless, it is a great read and has the potential to streamline your discipline — if put to use.



Jane Sheeba

Author (Books, Blogs). Associate Editor at Knit India Magazine. YouTuber (Banking Minutes). PhD (Medical Physics). Positivity lover.