How to Setup a Discus Aquarium?

Jane Smith
2 min readSep 20, 2023


Belonging to the Cichlidae family, the discus is one of the brightest aquarium fishes that aquarists prefer keeping in their discus aquarium. Though experts suggest beginners might confront various challenges to maintain the discus, by following the proper guidance of the aquarium shop, you can develop your skills as a successful aquarist with time, knowing how to rare the regally colorful aquarium fish.

Here are some ideas for setting up a discus aquarium-

Though experts recommend custom-make a 75-gallon water tank or larger tanks for giving the discus fish a perfect home to thrive and grow in size, you can place an order for a 55-gallon to keep the discus. Reduce the size of the fish tank only if really lacks sufficient space. Otherwise, discus thrives better with larger tanks like the flower horn fish and looks better as well.

Discus fish bully each other if you don’t maintain the size group. So, buy 10–12 juveniles so that they can befriend from an early age, and with time as they grow, they can enjoy a peaceful cohabitation in your 75-gallon fish tank of warm water.

As the high temperature in a fish tank reduces the oxygen level, keep air stones. It helps to balance the environment. Shifting discus in a planted tank is always beneficial. Anubias, bacopa, java fern, micro swords, sword plants, etc. plants survive in the warm water of the aquarium.

You may or may change the water frequently. It all depends on the biological filtration such as the plants and beneficial bacteria that are there in the tank, the food you provide, how many fish you have, etc.

This is how you can set up a discus tank like the way you do it for floran fish and so on.

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