Get Help With Your ERTC Paperwork — The Easy Way To Claim Your Pandemic Relief Funds

Janet Klein
4 min readJun 16, 2022


Photo by Recha Oktaviani on Unsplash

Over the last few years, we’ve all had a bit of time to try out new things — whether we liked it or not.

Personally, I took up origami, and I really quite enjoyed it.

I had to give it up though, it was far too much paperwork.

Pause for applause….

If there’s one thing that we can all agree on, other than excitement at things finally getting back to normal, it’s that paperwork is the worst.

Well, maybe accountants don’t mind it so much — but they’re a weird lot.

Unfortunately, it seems like the world runs on paperwork, and that means we need to complete it if we want to get anywhere.

In this case, talking about the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC), we really want to get that paperwork completed, because it could be worth tens, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars.


Originally created with the CARES Act, this pandemic relief program never got the attention it deserved, because it was overshadowed by the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), back when it was announced.

If you’ve kept an eye on the ERTC though, you’ll have noticed that while the PPP stayed the same, the ERTC kept growing — and getting better.

Actually, in many people’s opinions, it was always a better program, because while the PPP gave out small loans, the ERTC gives tax credits.

That means you don’t ever have to give the money back, which is a big bonus, and also there are no restrictions on how you can spend it.

Photo by micheile dot com on Unsplash

It’s Your Money — Just Claim It

The reason this is so important is that the amount that you can claim just kept growing.

Originally, you were maxed out at $5,000 per employee, which admittedly, is nothing to sneeze at.

However, 2 years later, with the program finally come to a close, you can now claim up to $26,000 per employee.

That is going to quickly add up to some serious money.

There have been small and medium-sized businesses claiming between $5,000 and $2 million!

So how do you claim it?

Well, there’s an easy way and a hard way — the hard way is to fight your way through all the paperwork, and hope for the best.

The Easy Way

The easy way is to do what all brilliant folks do when there’s a whole lot on the line, and it’s seriously complicated — call in an expert.

I’m not talking about just any accountant or CPA — they can probably do it, but the ERTC program has gone through so many changes, that it’s worth getting a real specialist.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

There are ERTC specialist CPAs that will guarantee you the maximum possible rebate you’re allowed to claim, and only ask you to put in 15 minutes of effort yourself.

They’ll take care of all the hard stuff, but you will have to upload a few documents and talk to them over a Zoom call, or on the phone.

That will give you a chance to ask any questions you might have, and it’s the easiest way to make sure they have all the details they need to maximize your tax credits.

Are You Eligible?

This is, of course, the big question — and the answer is (probably) YES.

I’ll go through a short list of the eligibility requirements, but the easiest way to find out is just to take a free eligibility test online.

There’s no obligation, and they’re super easy — it’s just a few basic questions like “How many W-2 Employees Do You Have?”

So what does it take to be eligible, in the short form?

You need to have between 2 and 500 W-2 employees, and have been affected by the pandemic.

That’s it.

“Affected by the pandemic” could include suffering financial losses, closing due to lockdowns, or even operating at a reduced capacity.

It doesn’t matter if you run a small business, a non-profit, or a startup — they’re all eligible.

Even new businesses founded during the pandemic can claim tax credits.

It only takes 15 minutes of your time, and it’s such a nice feeling getting a check from the IRS, instead of sending them one.

Just make sure to complete your claim before funding runs out — because while there is no deadline set, there is a limit to the total funding.

