5th. September 2022.

In 150 Words or Less, Define Beauty

30-Day Writing Challenge #5

Janet Meisel
1 min readSep 5, 2022


A black and white photo of a curly-haired, huge-eyed baby staring intensely into the lens of the camera.
Author’s own image.

Scientists cannot yet discern whether human brains have a ‘beauty centre’, responsible for recognising beauty in faces or pictures.

We can only feel, and judge, whether we are experiencing something ‘beautiful.’ Or not.

People disagree over opinions of ‘beauty’. I believe this picture of my grandson is ‘beautiful.’ You might think differently.

Let’s agree, at least, that beauty is highly subjective.

A human act can be beautiful. Consider supreme generosity, overt compassion, self-sacrifice. Watch a human and their newborn. That’s beautiful.

Love and joy have the power to create beauty, but great art depicting suffering and atrocities can be beautiful. That’s confounding.

Beauty is simple as one petal, complex as a mathematical equation. As apparent as a sunset, as unseen as a splitting cell.

Recognition of beauty is a human trait. Beauty exists everywhere, in everything. We just need to find it.



Janet Meisel

Writer, poet, artist. I found myself here one day, settled in, and so far I don't want to leave. Life is weirdly beautiful , what more can I say?