28th. September 2022

Which time period (past, present, or future) would you like to live in and why?

30-Day Writing Challenge #28

Janet Meisel
4 min readSep 28, 2022


A small boy in a blue tee shirt and grey shorts climbs out on a branch, high up in a leafy green tree.
Photo by Jeremiah Lawrence on Unsplash

The 80s decade seemed like one of the best eras in which to feel safe and happy. It seems that life was simpler in many ways.

When life is simple, expectations are met more easily, and contentment follows.

Free-Range Parenting

Parenting two young children into their adolescence seemed very much easier back then, without the issues faced by families today.

The stories about ‘free-range kids’, dating back to the fifties and on through to the eighties, were both my own and my children’s experiences.

We lived opposite a playground. The neighbourhood kids, and mine, took their bikes, skateboards, and scooters and filled the space most afternoons. They climbed trees and played without ‘soft-fall’. Except in summer, when they flocked to anyone’s house with a backyard pool. Usually mine.

Some afternoons they wandered off to a nearby deserted strip of land that would eventually become part of a major highway. However, in the 80s, it was occupied only by horses, grass, and the piles of junk the kids took there to build forts and ‘ramps’.



Janet Meisel

Writer, poet, artist. I found myself here one day, settled in, and so far I don't want to leave. Life is weirdly beautiful , what more can I say?