After death.

Life after the death of a loved one changes everything.

Janet Daniels-Thomas


Denpassar International Airport

In the back of the Uber on the way to the airport on Monday morning, I was fighting a rising panic attack. Before a full-blown panic attack, my hands tingle, and a strange hot (but invisible — great) heat creeps up my legs. I feel like they’re covered in spiders. All of this was happening in the ride to the International terminal.

I had the following conversation with myself:

I’m scared and I want to go home. I want to tell the Uber driver to turn around. I hate this and I want to cancel the whole trip.

But why?

Excuse me?

Why are you scared? Why do you feel like you need to cancel the opportunity of a lifetime?

Because I’m going to an unfamiliar country far away from home on my own. Duh!

You’ve done a lot of similar things before and you’ve enjoyed the freedom and liberty to do what you want when you want it — a rare opporunity you give yourself.

Why are you really scared?

And it hit me.

It’s because I lost my Dad when he and Mom went on holiday to the Philippines.

They innocently went “for a few months to travel about, it’s going to be amazingand I



Janet Daniels-Thomas

Writer, Blogger, Faithful friend, Chronic oversharer and Happy wife - so welcome to that.